My maid is off today, but before she left at 10am, she had already roasted the chicken & did the potato salad. So nice of her... don't know how I can cope without her...
Anyway we juz stay at home till around 5pm... after asar, I asked hb to go to Giant Bedok so we can get the Zuchinni for baby (so difficult to get Zuchinni here in Singapore, except for a few places !) Ended up we get so many other things !....
We didn't go to my parents cos the 'toilet' there are still being repaired !
Haiz !... inilah buat dgn orang Melayu... dah 3 minggu pon tak siap toilet yg senonet tu !
So much for my Mother's day !... sigh...
Maybe, if my baby had grown up a bit - I can get a nice Mother's day card from him...InsyaAllah...
For me...
THANKS UMI... yet again and again...
For All that you have given me... for all that you didn't give me (bcos u can't), for all that you wish can give me (but did not.. hahaha) and for all that you are going to give me.... I love you.
Nothing can ever repay you... only my do'a goes to both of you.. Ummi & Abah...
Rabbigh Firli Waaliwaa Lidaiyah, Warham huma Kama Rabbayaani Soghira
(Ya Tuhanku, ampunilah aku dan kedua ibu-bapaku dan rahmatilah keduanya sepertimana mereka mendidik aku di waktu kecil)
InsyaAllah... in time to come, my children will do'a for me the same...... Amin
Fri - 12 May (Vesak Day Public Holiday)
'ANOTHER DEPRESSING DAY'... :( (sob, sob...sob)
Morning - Shing Siong for grocery shopping
Then my bride-to-be niece wanted me to follow her & my sis to Concourse to look for 'berkat' wrapping. It's going to be Sholat Jumaat time so I said ok after hb's approval.
Then - another 'shock'... I felt so sick & saddenned - Please Help me Allah - I can't go for I can't move ! But I hv to go out !.... have to channel my energy somewhere else.
1.15pm - my sis picked me up & I encouraged her to drive all the way.. she has juz started to drive again (being chauffer driven by her hb for 20+ yrs)! Must let her practice so she can drive when 'menjempoting' & not rely on my mum (she's 72 & still driving around - MasyaAllah, Alhamdullillah... may Allah give her strength & health always.. Amin)
Can't see much cos many shops closed for Vesak day... even at Textile Centre (looking for 'tali goni' to tie the berkat) all shops were closed. My niece ended up buying a pair of working shoes instead of the wedding shoe she's looking for (no size). So we left around 3.30pm.
Then, at nite ....the story goes again.... (boo hoo...)
Sat (13 May)
Morning - Geylang Market.. so packed ! My maid sat with baby at the hawker centre while we go to get things... had Geylang Cendol. Going home & it rained heavily - so sit & drink teh tarik.
5pm - Hb wanted to 'date' me out - juz the 2 of us.
Our date - 'Library' at Esplanade to hear 6 young Singaporean directors yapping & watched a few short films... ok never mind !

8.30 - we walked around Esplanade, very crowded !
Hungry oredy - went to 'Makan Sutra' food court - had Gado Gado ($5) and murtabak ($8 !)... the satay we ordered took so long to come so we juz packed & go - maybe can eat along the river.
Found a space along the bench, but the live music seems too loud for us now (sigh.. maybe we r growing old... hahaha). Anyway it's already 10.30pm & I'm tired (where did my energy goes?)
Headed to Tampines Mart Market to get Zuchinni for baby (hehehe.. though we know it will be closed, we still gatal & go !) Reached there 11pm - CLOSED !!
Watched 'The Patriot' - Midnite at Ch5 till 2am !!
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