We want the BEST for Our Babies
Are we Over protective ? Over zealous ? Over Worried ? Over spending ? Over Indulging ? mmpphh...
Guilty your honour - I'm guilty as charged !!!!
Are we thankful ? thankful enuf for what we have ?
Can we spare some ? juz a little wee bit ?.. Is there anything that we can gif ?
Do we really need that stuffs ? .. that extras; T-shirt, toys, food ? those branded good,... ?
Or can we put that $10 into a charity box ??
It may be small... BUT we CAN make a DIFFERENCE !
Let these pics do the 'talking'... (u might already seen this many times)
What toys to buy? Which Ice-cream flavour to treat? Which clothes to wear? Where to go next holiday ?.... will it make any great difference ?

But only one question here...
~~~ SURVIVAL ~~~

The least we can do is to say a Doa' (prayer) for them..
Ya Allah, pls protect all children from the evil of mankind. Let them see and enjoy this beautiful world that You have created. Let them know that compassion and love do exist. Stop their sufferings so that they will be peace loving leaders of the future world. Don't let violence, cruelty, greed and revenge ever set foot in their innocent little heart.. replace them with love & everything nice.
Pls don't let another drop of their innocent blood be the price for the wrongdoings of the 'GREEDY & HEARTLESS' world-leaders !! (now I am angry.. GGgrrr !!) What do they want still?... isn't it ENUFF ?.. this world is a 'gift' from GOD for ALL OF US ! .. to temporarily build our 'homes' till we move on.... give us our PEACE !!
"Please, please ya Allah ... Save & Protect all the children... place them under Your shade, so that all they can see are Smiles, all that they can hear are Laughters and all they can feel are Tenderness.. Let Happiness be the fence surrounding their little world and block their views against the reality of this cruel world .....InsyaAllah.... Ameen"
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