This tickles me... cute right ?....

******************** "HE IS NOT STRONG AND POWERFUL WHO THROWS PEOPLE DOWN, BUT,HE IS STRONG WHO WITHHOLDS HIMSELF FROM ANGER" ********************* "When u see a person who had been given more than you in money and beauty, Look to those who have been given less" ********************
At last !! Get to meet some of you... (not all, but Alhamdullillah~~~~~ InsyaAllah will meet the rest later) - 21st May 2006 at MamaDewi's nest (blk 657 Chua Chu Kang Cresent)...
12.15pm - Zed woke up : Rush, rush feed him & get him ready.
1pm - left to Bedok Reservoir for Nadiah's daughter's wedding.
2pm - 5pm
Ju picked me up from the wedding, together wif Mel & their babies - so nice of her... Thanks again Ju ! Then, alamak !! baby's bottle tetinggal at our van dah... stop again & wait for hb to deliver the bottle - sorry hah gals.. I memang gini... very the forgetful !!
Met Mashita (Mas) - she only passed the marble cake but not going, alahai... why ? tapi takper lah - at least we met & yr gendut baby too, InsyaAllah - there will be next time.
Reached Mama's place - wah best ! .. met Mama (of course) in her chatty self... Eimah, Mrs Beki & Iantie wif our the children. Wah, macam playgroup - slamat ader Mr Mamadewi, Mr Eimah & Mr Iantie jadi babysitter for awhile... hehehe...
My baby have a great time - and of couse the Umi too lah !
Sampai jer baby dah jadi mekanik - godeh Mama nyer DVD set... pas tu.... eh ! he play masak2 pulak ... macam girl daa - nevermind lah, InsyaAllah can be mummy's little helper, Pas tu jadi teacher pulak - so the multi tasking! ..hehehe (sori hah.. some pics curik dari Mamanyer blog... curik tapi bilang... hehehe...)
TWO boys fighting to cook for a Lady.. (Ai, Eimah.. anak kau jadi madu to my son lah ! Untung Mel...)
Eh Boys ! stop clowning around... ustazah's teaching ! no respect izzit ?
~~~~~ " ~~~~~ " ~~~~~ " ~~~~~ " ~~~~~ " ~~~~~"~~~~
Thanks Mama (for the hospitality & the yummylicious food) & thanks all....
Then go to my parents place - also Ju sent me right to under the Block.
Thank You, thank you...Thank you Ju...
Baby had a "Hooray" time today.. now played with all his cousins pulak, even I went to take him he pushed me away !! Watched Singapore Idols with my family & SILs.. klakar sey...
Eh ! I wanna play too !!...
First the push !...... then the hug :)... sori hah Abdillah...
Umi cooked mee soto... yum, yum !!
10pm, so tired already lah... get a lift from bro Mus & ciao !
Get home - me & baby had our shower... then ZZZZzzzzzz.....
Great Day !..... (thanks hb for allowing me to go..)
The rest of the day - stay at home
Later around 4pm, hb went out to meet his friend & came back at midnight !!.. Haizzz !!
(Alamak - I forget to bring my camera lah, but lucky my maid brought hers - so I do snapped a few pics of baby, but hv to wait for her to finish the rest of the film & get it develops... maybe in a couple of mths time.. haha...)