E-mail from Rafika..... >
Dear all Let's hv some fun today. Look at pic & revert to me with yr answers according to the numbers indicated. Bonus Pts (wow!) will be awarded especially for #17-19. ;P
Got prize one!
* 1st prize - depending on what Ami Hassan can offer fm Alkhatib Shop
* 2nd prize - got to confirm with Nadia if she could bake us a cake
* 3rd prize - if Mariam can supply us with multi-vit for this yr
* 4th prize - see if Mrs Mustafa (Hana) can cook the winner a sumptuous dinner spread
* 5th prize - not too sure if Rosilla can contribute some epok-epok sayur * 6th prize - mee rebus from Cah also can
* 7th prize - sambal tumis Farhana wld be appreciated
* 8th prize - agar agar Masturah pun boleh
No matter what, one with the most correct answers will be given a prize ......
Insya Allah, kalau ada budget! Closing date : 31 March 2006
Take it away guys ......................... ==============================================
Received this e-mail a couple of days ago from Rafika Alsagoff. A guessing game for us from a picture of our aunts, uncles & cousins way back 40 years ago (at 12 Lorong Marzuki)
Guess, guess... Who is who...
Winning entries get prize some more...
Thanks Rafika for jolting our brain !
(Will post answer later, after I win the 2nd Prize cos 1st prize I don't want {frm my dad's shop} )
alamak outsiders how to answer?i dunnoe anybadi ley..hehhe...how to win prize like that!!!play cheat ar u!!ekekkee
shaikha, give us their present photos so maybe dewi and me can compare the pics and guess who is who! ~eimah~
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