SubhanAllah.... Alhamdullillah... La-Ila-ha-Illallah... Allahu Akbar !!
How time flies... how much time I've wasted this Ramadhan... time to give thanks to the Creator, time to praise the Almighty, time to ask the Ever Giving, time to reflect, time to find solace, time to learn more, to be closer, to bond, to love - The One.. Al Rahman, Al Raheem... Ya Allah. Lost... lost.... that's my lost... Astaghrafirullah. InsyaAllah, if ever granted to meet this Blessed Month again next year.. may Allah give me and my family the drive to do more Ibadah & Taqwa.. Ameen.
Blessed my home ya Rabb... blessed it with Your Grace, blessed it with lots of love, happiness, wealth and health... shine the Light of Iman and Taqwa into our heart.... Make us see the beautiful side of Islam...Make us worship you with full sincerity and love... Make Jannah as our final destiny... InsyaAllah... Ameen.
To You... all my sisters out there (and brothers, if any)... my sincere wish for HAPPY EID to All of you and your family. May Allah blessed our friendship over the cyberspace.. may He makes this bonding beneficial to all, InsyaAllah.
My sincerest apologies for any wrongdoings, wrongpostings & wrongcommentings. It has never been my intention to cause hurt anyone with this blogs.. May Allah forgive us all, InsyaAllah.
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