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******************** "HE IS NOT STRONG AND POWERFUL WHO THROWS PEOPLE DOWN, BUT,HE IS STRONG WHO WITHHOLDS HIMSELF FROM ANGER" ********************* "When u see a person who had been given more than you in money and beauty, Look to those who have been given less" ********************
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Sedih...sedih betul !!! Let me let my dissapointment out here, let me cry this visual tears of mine ...coz at home I must act "cool"... action lah... that it's all orite !!
Dont get me wrong, I am Not angry at anyone ... but MYSELF !! ... it's my fault .. I commit and now.. "boooo hoooooooo !!" Hwaaaaaaaaaaa !!
I've been waiting for this day, anticipating... best tau !! Not many will organise all ladies wedding party anymore... well we do have henna nights from time to time - it's a day to "let our hair down"... wooohoooo !! ... No Men ! No prying eyes !!...
I have an invitation at DownTown East this Saturday - 22nd December for a "All Ladies" wedding dinner party from a relative/friend ... I know my 'gang' will be there, we will hv so much fun !! ... MasyaAllah, even her mum & aunts are a fun bunch of gals !! Best kan.... kan !!????
But why ??... why ooohhh why ??...
The other day when my hb told me he wanted some friends over on Eid, I told him "No" .. but to invite them on Saturday instead - AND what's that DATE ????.... 22nd !!!!!!
Why didn't I checked the calendar, why I didn't open my invitation cards !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... *Smack Head a million times* ........Astaghrafirullah... (cannot question why & why tau ;))
"Telajak perahu boleh tarek balek... telajak jemput orang, sedih tegolek-golek ...."... LOL !!!
When I told my hb upon discovering my *setupid* mistake of not checking ... he asked me "Then How ??" I (of course) hv to maintain my composure la... "Nevermind, no BIG deal... "... .......... tapi di dalam hati ku... sungguh lah sedih... sedih skali, remok... hancur harapan ... baju yg maner nak ku pakai pon telah bermain di kepaler... ingatkan bolehlah gelek-gelek, rupernyer dirumah ku harus berhempas-pulas !!
LOL !!!!!
Takper.. Amal Jariah... Ader Hikmahnyer.... Kolek Pahaler... InsyaAllah... Ameen... ,,,,, tapi...still......... Hwaaaaaaa !!!.......I want to go for that Wedding !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hwaaaa !!!......
Ok dah........
Takper... Alhamdullillah........Besok HARI RAYER !!!! yeeehh... yeeehhh....
EID Sayeed to All .........
December is supposed to be school holiday... but wohoo !! me too r having dayz outz ... neway, I also hv to clear my leave...
Last 2 weeks :
5 December - Makan trip at JB
8 December - Delightful moments; small gathering with my Secondary school mates.
11 December - Lunch at Katong & Outing to Vivocity
13 December - A day at the Zoo (Alhamdullillah, sunny day)
16 December - Looney Tunes day at Suntec City...
And more to come... MasyaAllah, eventhough we didn't go out of the country for a holiday.... my calender is packed activities till end of the year !!
.. and he's happy, Alhamdullillah...
Tommorow, I'll be on leave again.. and Friday... and next Friday.. and New Year Eve... InsyaAllah. Eventhough I can't affort to take one stretch leave ... it's already a WOHOOOO !!!!
First-first I thought wanna titled this entry "I'm gonna be a grandma !"... alamak ! sounded like I'm too old arr... (memanglah dah tuer, cumer tak sedar diri.. tapi sedar di hati... hehe)... so, I korner sikit and think... wow ! that will make Zed an uncle !! .. MasyaAllah !!
My niece !!... she's PREGNANT !!... Alhamdullillah !!
Would you believe it ! My lil girl.. that I carried and smooched ! My parents' first pamperred grandchild... the one that I played with, tickled and toyed with !
That joy when my sis announced the news that I'm gonna be an Aunty for the first time ... now the announcement that I will be a GRANDMA !!
and that will make my parents' GREAT GRANDPARENTS !!
and my lil Katkoot... AN UNCLE ???? !!!!!!
.. hahaha !! We are all so happy !! Alhamdullillah !!
MasyaAllah... may ALLAH blessed us all with Happiness, Harmony and Joy... in Health and Wealth ... all under His Protection and Blessings...
Make her pregancy easy... make her delivery painless (boleh ker ?) .. make her baby adorable, cute & healthy ... someone that will bloom to be Nur of Islam ... InsyaAllah.
Yep, he joined us praying from start to end sometimes... at times he goes missing in between, but will quickly come back while we r doing our 'tahiyat akhir', just in time to give our Salaam. Then we do'a together. He can follow his brothers doing the Adzan & Iqamah. He can follow reciting the Alfateha and some surahs... but it's just the ending2 lah... hehe... but Alhamdullillah.
(These 2 pics - he was 17 mths)
The other day, I was teasing hb that now Katkoot can follow him for Jumaat prayer.
I was eating my lunch at Haig Road today when my hp beeped !
"Me (my hb), (my eldest son) and Zed are going to Darul Aman for prayer"
ha ? biar betul !! Yes, InsyaAllah he can follow the prayers.. but what about during Khutbah ? He will be talking and asking questions non-stop ! I'm afraid that the people nearby will be irritated !
Alhamdullillah, after the prayer, my hb called and said Katkoot was good ! Except that when he sujood, his cap kept on falling down... so he stepped aside to put it back on .. and then it fell again... so he kept on stepping in & out again & again... LOL !! Then when leaving the mosque he said "Bye... bye... mosque... "
I wish I was there to capture some pictures !! But nvm.. that's not important...
MasyaAllah, SubhanAllah, Alhamdullillah, Allahu-Akbar !!.... today (16 Nov 07) marked the first day he stepped into the Masjid and do his Jumaat prayer.... at 2yrs 10mths... Alhamdullillah. May Allah make him pious and blessed him with health, happiness and wealth all thru' his life... InsyaAllah... Ameen.
Whatever he sees, he will ask me....
Car advert on newspaper
Katkoot : “U want car mama?... u want ??”
Me : “Yes… mama want the car”
Katmoot : “Ok… I buy you..” (I buy for you)
Goldheart Jewellery advertisement on TV
Katkoot : “OOohhhh, niiice…. U want mama ?... u want ??”
Me : “ooohh… mama want !”
Katkoot : “Ok… I buy u…”
Me : “Zed hv money ?”
Katkoot : “yes… eight doyers..”
Everything is 8 dollars for him, LOL !! then he will say “oooohhh… so expensif !”
InsyaAllah, he will offer me with the same statement when he hv real money in his hands... LOL !!
This boy always amazes me with the things he said ! MasyaAllah, and he’s not even 3 yrs yet !!
Now, he enjoys asking me to cry so that he can console me.
“cry mama… cry”… and I will go “Uweeekk… uweekkkk”
He will give me a hug & says “Ma-alesh mama,… ma-alesh (it’s ok, in Arabic), we go dokter, put medicine ok…. “
This happened yesterday when I accidentally knocked my head on the bedpost.
Me : “Ouch”
Katkoot : “oohh mama pain ? Cry mama…cry….”
Me : “No..not pain. Mama not going to cry”
Katkoot : “ooohhh co’mon, don’t be shy…. “
Ya Rabb ! Where did he learn how to say such things ?
It’s sooooo cute ! MasyaAllah….
"Perot oh perot ... kenaper engkau sakit,
Macam maner aku tak sakit,
Pasal sakit menjangkit ...
...... hahaha !"
First first, it was my hb...
Vomitting and visiting toilet...
Couple of days later, coming home from my bro's open house
My 'katkoot' vomitted on my bed... aissshhh !
Then again ... then again ....
The morning after ... two spoon of cereal and bluuueeekkk !!
He vomitted yet again ! (Friday - I took Emergency leave)
Brought him to Raffles Medical at Epot T2.
Diagnosis : Stomach Flu
Alhamdullillah, he didn't hv diarrhoea
The doctor (my uncle) said - after my hb, my katkoot... the next one would be me !
Ayermak - how da .. I got visitors on Sunday !
Katkoot was as active as ever, Alhamdullillah... except for the vomitting and he didn't want to eat.... (where does he get his energy from ?.. SubhanAllah)
Alhamdullillah, Sunday went well...
So many relatives come & went - they happy, me happy....
Come night, after all had left, I felt so tired... then my tummy felt funny....
I started vomitting !
Monday morning - vomit plus diarrhoea !
Can't get up to go to work.
Tuesday - eksen superwoman - dragged myself to work coz hv so much to do !
Switched on PC.. my head goes spinning and I felt nauseatic !
Went to the doctor ; a day MC for me.
Today - felt a bit better, but don't dare to eat much... just a piece of bread and some jelly... I miss lunch, ni macam nak hungry pulak.
Tonight, another brother invite us for dinner ... hope I can eat by then, InsyaAllah...
So, who's next ?
I so really want to Quit !!
Quit my job and be SAHM ! With the new 'cam tak kuaser' nyer maid, I am not so happy with the way she run the house and treat my baby... but being me, cam tak sampai ati nak tegor or marah or send her off !!
In seven months she's with me... the electricity & water bills goes higher ! The groceries and home cleaning products kejap2 abes !! .. she hv no sympathy towards us spending $$$$ ! The light, the fan, the radio, the tv.. she kept on running, she do laundry several times a day.. even for 3-4 clothings !! The extra food - she threw ! The water she wasted ! Her shower - 1 hour, 2 or 3 times a day ! Not mentioning her constant in & out of the toilets several times a day ... She naps very very often and she MUST hv her afternoon naps. She has broken several of my plates, my glasses, couple of my Raya dresses already stained from her washing ! My baby had fell, burned his finger...etc... She argued when we tell, she laughs when she's done something wrong, she sulked when she's not happy.. She don't bother to offer help when sees me 'doing' work !
With all these.. I still tell my hb, it's ok... she's ok, but hv a bit of attitude ! One thing is, she can do the work (but hv to be told)...
But this !! Oh my !! Now I am not at ease going to work....
One night, we had told Katkoot we r going Hari Raya visits, but I was tired and decided not to. Katkoot was later so excited telling her..
He : "Bibib (bibik).. Zed go Ari Raya visit... go Ari Raya visit"...
She : "No, Zed stay home... sleep"
He : "No Bibib, Zed go Ari Raya visit !"
Then I told hb that we hv to bring him out, even for awhile coz he was so excited to go out already... we decided to go to Simpang Bedok for teh tarik and prata. So I told her to change him while I myself get changed. Then Katkoot came running out in his pampers... crying. I asked why ?
He : "Bibib say Zed go sleep".
I went in to tell her that we are going to bring him out, that's why I told her to change him... *she laughs*...
Me : "Zed change ya... we go out ya Habibi..."
She : "No ! Zed go sleep with bibik..."
He : "No Bibib ! Zed go out mama, baba... Zed go Ari Raya visit"
She : "No, Zed go sleep"
He : "No !! No, Zed go !!" (crying)
*She laughs*
I was so frustrated at this time ! Here I am trying to instill good manners to my baby and here she goes intimidating & irritating him !!! She takes joy in seeing this boy shouting and crying !! What's happening here ?????????? What is she teaching my baby while I am away at work ?? Is she setting bad examples for him to pick up ?? Even with this, I tried to be nice to her..
Me : "Kamu jagan kasi dia marah.. saya tak suka tau kamu kasi dia geram bergini. Saya sudah janji mau bawak dia keluar... jangan kasi dia nangis !"
*She smile & laughs*
There's more & more of her frustrating behaviour, everyday !...
Tell me what to do !! Every time I think about it, I felt like sending her back... but everytime I look at her... I tak sampai ati...... *sigh*
Today, katkoot woke up while I was dressing up to work... he cried, hangging to me "Mama don't go work"... what to do, I hv so many things to clear at work, so busy !!
"Ya Rabb.. lindungilah rumah dan keluarga ku... Ameen"
'Hijack' this entry from Ayu's multiply.
Can't help it... so the comel ! Try it with yr baby's picture... if no hep, your picture pon boleh lah...
Hv Fun !!
SubhanAllah.... Alhamdullillah... La-Ila-ha-Illallah... Allahu Akbar !!
How time flies... how much time I've wasted this Ramadhan... time to give thanks to the Creator, time to praise the Almighty, time to ask the Ever Giving, time to reflect, time to find solace, time to learn more, to be closer, to bond, to love - The One.. Al Rahman, Al Raheem... Ya Allah. Lost... lost.... that's my lost... Astaghrafirullah. InsyaAllah, if ever granted to meet this Blessed Month again next year.. may Allah give me and my family the drive to do more Ibadah & Taqwa.. Ameen.
Blessed my home ya Rabb... blessed it with Your Grace, blessed it with lots of love, happiness, wealth and health... shine the Light of Iman and Taqwa into our heart.... Make us see the beautiful side of Islam...Make us worship you with full sincerity and love... Make Jannah as our final destiny... InsyaAllah... Ameen.
To You... all my sisters out there (and brothers, if any)... my sincere wish for HAPPY EID to All of you and your family. May Allah blessed our friendship over the cyberspace.. may He makes this bonding beneficial to all, InsyaAllah.
My sincerest apologies for any wrongdoings, wrongpostings & wrongcommentings. It has never been my intention to cause hurt anyone with this blogs.. May Allah forgive us all, InsyaAllah.
It could hv been worst... Alhamdullillah.....
Have not been feeling too well lately. Started with Back-aches... then the runny nose... then the migrane... then the coughs.....
As Allah knows best ... just as I was about take out my mixer, the trays, the butter and the flour .. I was caught with a bad cold... struck out flat... cold....
Kesian kan ? kesian I tau....... hehe
Friday, went to the doctor - MC ! Flat on the bed...
Saturday, kuatkan semangat... must at least make ONE cookies... ok make Suji senang sikit. But where's my Ghee ?? I bought the Ghee the other day... can't find it ! Ok.. change plan, make cornflakes... where's the box of cornflakes I bought ? Where's my almonds, where's my flour, where's my sugar ????? Where ??????????
Cant find any of them !! My maid said she didn't see them !! Huh ?? I definitely hv bought all these during my Grocery sprees in Shing Shiong ! Aisey Men... maybe we left behind a bag amongst our tons of groceries.. maybe we left it under the block, maybe... maybe... No more time for maybes... get my hb to go to NTUC and buy all these again !
Alhamdullillah... blurr, blurr and groggy, groggy... manage to make Sujee and Cornflakes... Then my sister SMS... "Tomorrow we do Tart, ok"... aiyoh..yoh.. mama masak sayo... "Still not well, but I will be there"... was my reply. So nak tak nak, dragged myself to her house on Sunday.... Alhamdullillah, Allah give me strength and health, we managed to do like 500+ pieces to be divided into 4 families.. (plus one tray terover cook sikit.. hehe).
Now, my baby katkoot is sick... Whole night yesterday he didn't sleep well..."My nose, my nose..." Yep, my nose plus his nose were both stuck somewhere.... I am still not well and now him... ai yai yai...makes me more giddy.... Alhamdullillah...
So when do I hv the time and strenght to make my Chocolate chips? My coffee biscuits? My cashew nut biscuits, my peanut biscuits ??? ... Anyone wanna help? pretty peleezzz... nanti I kasi 10 keping free bawak balek... ok
Alhamdullillah... the other day went to Johor, my hb borong 8 types of cookies... then I've already ordered the Tumpi, kek lapis prune, kek kukus... Alamak ! blum tepon my aunt nak order kueh Makmor !!!.... aiyoh... aiyoh.... tu kueh my hb faboret !... 'chOp-mE-niTe'... hv to call her NOW !!
Salam Akhir Ramadhan...