Ok, that aside… my baby called all man (stranger) Uncle and the lady Auntie. He saw taxi.. "Uncle Taxi! ", construction workers "Uncle Bob (from Bob the builder), Uncle lorry, uncle bus" and the list goes on....

Wif his favourite Uncle Taxi
My baby is really into superheroes lately !! Anything with Cape is Upermen ! (superman) and of course there’s ... I-dermen ! (spiderman So we hv these Superman Stickers where he is now sticking everywhere in the house – especially on my wardrobe !! There is a sticker of Superman standing next to Wonderwoman … suddenly he goes
“Mamaa… Upermen !….. Mamaa… Auntie Upermen !!”
Hahaha.. WonderWoman is now Auntie Superman !!
Was watching the ad on HL milk.. u know – where the girl jumps over buildings bcoz she’s out of milk and goes into her mum’s home thru the window, opens the fridge, get the milk and left a thank you note to her mom….
The moment the ad come out, my baby goes :
“Mama… Auntie I-dermen “… I can’t catch what he’s saying at first till I saw the girl jumping around, then he said it again...................“ Mamaaa… Auntie I-dermen !!”
Kids – don’t they said the darnest things !!

My Superhero !!
hahaha kids are cute when they are picking up with their vocabs.
Taufiq will say Sadderman (Spiderman), Bob Ber-Builder (Bob The Builder), Tomos (Thomas the tank engine) nasib baik bukan thermos hehehe
Yeah boys will always b boys. I kept teaching cukcuk B is for ball and kept saying B is for Batman.*shakes head* But to come to think about it betul jugak B is for Batman *faints*
To Eimah:
hahaha... kesian Spiderman jadi Sadderman - hari2 sedih gaknyer.. ishh, ishh, ishh......
To Farah:
Slamat B is for Batman... he could hv said worst !!...hehehe ;)
zed is getting smarter and smarter by day eh..bijak though pronounciation lari..ekeke..tu sumer tak penting tu yang mendatangkan kecute-annyer tu! hehehhe
To Mama,
Memang pronounciation lari... kekadang sampai cam tak sedap di dengar... tapi asal I know, he know..sudahla... hehe
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