I wanted to keep... but not sure how to keep it neat !!
After much pestering from my dear hb for the longest time, I relented !! Anyway, it’s getting too messy and he hv been scratching much too often.
After my hb’s ‘treat’.. "Do it, or I'll bring him myself!!" I scamper to call my friend Faridah to fix immediate appointment for both of us (since I need one too) and Alhamdullillah, she's available !! Half an hour later, we are at her abode in Tampines... yes ! she have a special room to cater for it at her home !!
Here's the N-result !!


My hb actually is not so hepi with the result, he said the 'round' cut makes "katkoot" luks more like a girl !! Ok la hb.. I give-in, the next time - you bring him to your barber !!
For Now it's this boy's turn !!

(my nephew Abdillah)
Salam sis,
ur lil boy do have beautiful hair...i like it even after it got cut. I think the curls won't go away even after u cut meni2 time. :)
sis..cam takder difference la..but i suker his curly wurly hair..juz to let u noe i have difficulties each time nak access ur site..cld it be iwebmusic?hey tt old rascal tak jawab2 our questions..perhaps he jus cldn't find the right words to answer kiter..biarla dier malas nak masok saner lagik bacer all his nonsense...
to Busu,
Thanks sis, InsyaAllah it will stay cos I sure love those curly-wurly hair... pasal rambut I seteret-meret..hehehe.
To Mama,
Susah nak masok eh? Nanti I buang tu iwebmusic arr...
Ooo.. he didnt answer?.. Wallahu-alam, I pon tak check..
kak sha...
from behind nampak mcm gal ah but he's still cute as ever.kiss ur "katoot" for me eh..
i love rambut kerinting.....jelers tau. lain kali u simpankan tu curls for me....i nak scotch tape kat rambut i, ley? kekekekekeeee
eh eh sayangnya rambut kerinting Zed..tapi quite ok lah now..but the keringting like still there leh.
PS: he damn cute with whatever hairstyle!
"muaccckkkksss !!"... nah, dah kish for u... sampai kemek pipi dier.. hehehe :D
eh ?.. u nak pakai rambot pelasu??.. takleh takleh..! I dah simpan satu curl - masok dalam album !.. hahaha
Keriting dier ader, tapi tak begulung lagi.. semer curl sekerat cam bulan sabit.. ;)
hi sis..... hw r u n fmly? lama tak gi sini... me asyik busy kat multiply pulak.... heheheeee...
anyway.... wat ever hairstyle...zed still cute... *muack* 4 him...
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