Couple of weeks ago, I was on 8 days MC and wow ! what a great time to spend at home !!
Ni all criter dah basi.. but just to note a few things, so I don't forget them in time to come ... (more later... ;) )
1st Feb : A great loss for me - a miracle I had for 11 weeks.
All that happen is Allah's will ... Alhamdullillah, we know Not what Allah have blessed us with... Wallahu'alam.
8th Feb : My Wedding anniversary
Alhamdullillah, though there will always be 'hiccups' in our years together, I am thankful & blessed to have what I have.
Went to Shang-ri-la for Lunch buffet. The spread was good - but there are things which we kenot eat lah (ba-alif-ba-ya). But other poultries are Halal especially fm the North-Indian counter (so yummilicious !) . So if u r there, u hv to ask the Manager (don't ask the waiter/waitress coz they sometimes selenger !!). Alhamdullilah, there's this very friendly Malay girl at the dessert counter that pointed to us, which cakes we can & cannot eat (cos they put gelatine). .. :( sadly, tak bawak camera.......
Thanks so much dearest Habibee (hb) for your treat, though you sometimes "kecik darah", I still love u more & more as each day passes by... takper lah, makin banyak aku sabar - makin more chance masok surga, LOL !! so hv to thank u for testing my patience meni-meni times lah .... Hehehe

9 Feb : GCE 'O' Level result
My niece Shahirah & nephew Nabil got their results today - MasyaAllah, how time flies.. da besar pon !!
Congrats Shahirah on your excellent result with 9 aggregate!! ... I know u can do it - Mabrook !
And to Nabil too for doing well with 13 agrregate.. Both of you deserve it !.. Nanti Ammati blanjer makan ok ;)...
10 Feb : Make brownies
Not feeling so well but still have to do something, rite...
Nothing great lah (but really sedap tau!) ... juz gatal want to blog about this ! ;)
11 Feb : Trip to Courts
A few months Courts & Ikea open their doors, but I haven't been there ! So, this marked my 'virgin' trip there ! Undecided to go IKEA or Courts, so ended up in Courts ... Tak beli aper2, juz had coffee & snacks !...
.... then balek singgah Jue's flea market .. got some brooches.
12 Feb : Back to Work
B-O-R-I-N-G !!!! (with a capital B) ... I want to be with my BAByyyyyyyyyyy.... !!!!
A week at home made my baby more 'sticky' to me... when I am out of his sight jer I can hear him calling me "Mamaa... Mamaaaaa"... then this morning my maid told me that when he woke up, he was looking & calling for me "Mamaa.. Mamaaa.. " (sedih kan :( )
Oh ya ! and so farny tau my Katkoot ne skarang .... from where he comes out with these word, MasyaAllah ....
He said TOMATO - "Ma Ko Ko"
CAMERA - "Ma Ka Ka"
And now susah nak put him to sleep .. when I told him to sleep & bacer doa jer dier start "Uweeekk... uweeeeeekkk.... Mamaaa babyyy.... Uweekkk.... Uweekkkk.... " then he goes "Meow.. Uff, uff.... Mmbeeekkk ... Haaaauuugghhhh.... Oink..oink .... Mooooo .... Ku..ku..kukk....quack... quack....." and all sorts of sounds lah ! ONE hour later baru dier tido !!... Haizzzz budak ni !! Hahaha .......
Footnotes :
My love grows deeper with time,
Grows stronger with every test,
May the experiences, the joy, the sorrow...
Be our lessons for tomorrow...
What we may not know today,
May we realise them the next day,
Guide us ya Allah, I pray
Don't let us go astray....
Protect my family always...
Love & contentment till the last days...... InsyaAllah
12 Feb : Back to Work
B-O-R-I-N-G !!!! (with a capital B) ... I want to be with my BAByyyyyyyyyyy.... !!!!
A week at home made my baby more 'sticky' to me... when I am out of his sight jer I can hear him calling me "Mamaa... Mamaaaaa"... then this morning my maid told me that when he woke up, he was looking & calling for me "Mamaa.. Mamaaa.. " (sedih kan :( )
Oh ya ! and so farny tau my Katkoot ne skarang .... from where he comes out with these word, MasyaAllah ....
He said TOMATO - "Ma Ko Ko"
CAMERA - "Ma Ka Ka"
And now susah nak put him to sleep .. when I told him to sleep & bacer doa jer dier start "Uweeekk... uweeeeeekkk.... Mamaaa babyyy.... Uweekkk.... Uweekkkk.... " then he goes "Meow.. Uff, uff.... Mmbeeekkk ... Haaaauuugghhhh.... Oink..oink .... Mooooo .... Ku..ku..kukk....quack... quack....." and all sorts of sounds lah ! ONE hour later baru dier tido !!... Haizzzz budak ni !! Hahaha .......
Footnotes :
My love grows deeper with time,
Grows stronger with every test,
May the experiences, the joy, the sorrow...
Be our lessons for tomorrow...
What we may not know today,
May we realise them the next day,
Guide us ya Allah, I pray
Don't let us go astray....
Protect my family always...
Love & contentment till the last days...... InsyaAllah
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