Sale on 24th - 26th November !
I hv been "knocking my head against the wall" what to get this colleague of mine who's getting married on 25th Nov... so tadaa !!.. question answered.. hehe
Hb was excitedlah when I said I wanted to take half-day off on Friday to go for the VS sale... hehehe!
So, off we went after I picked him up from his Friday Prayer at Darul Aman. Parked at Golden Shoe carpark, look & look, walk & walk, huff & puff around Raffles MRT.. maner ni Overseas Union House (written next to Raffles MRT) !!!!... cam nak tepleot & tecabot kaki sey... rupernyer on the other side, pat Clifford Pier - Shenton Way !!! ... kedodol betul tu advertisement tau - taroklah Map !!!
Ramai jugak orang... ! neway, browse punyer browse.. managed to get 2 pairs for the newlyweds & my hb pon sekaki bought 2 pairs for meself... hahaha ;) (but mine tak amek gambar - malu arr).
Saturday is kelam-kabot day... pagi do my weekly marketing, then the wedding pulak is at Jurong West ! Mak ooii.. punyerlah dekat dari Simei and hari pon ujan punyer lah al-Lebat ! But wat to dooo - makan nasik pakai sudu... gi jugak cos I'm close to this girl & her hb pon my colleague (both working in my companylah...hehe) .. so set off around 3pm (baby tido).. round & round..sesat walBarat.. sampai lah 4+ we reached there... Sit awhile & hv to rush home cos my Brother nak give all of us a treat at SAKURA (Downtown East) for his 10th AniBerSari. Yep ! all of us - my parents, 6 chirrens plus 6 chirren-in-laws & 20 of the cucus & 1 in the tummy..hehehe.... Satu gerabak !! (pics KIV). Balek wrap prezzee for my bro & wifey (alamak luper nak amek gambar pulak) .. after Maghrib we stret away go - big spread of buffet, but taste wise.. some nice, some ok lah... but nothing tak sedap... all edible (although I tak makan banyak varieties sangat)...
...rajin-rajin & selalu-selalu la seleberet...hehehe
oh ya.. and wat do this little 'Katkoot' of mine 'die-die' wanna buy at the market ?.. u guessed it !

And on the way back from the wedding ?....
aizzz ! yang pat tangan tu tak cukup .. hehe
Carz....carz............. Helppppppppp!!!
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