Baby's 18th mth jab was supposed to be on the 6th July, but in the midz of my bzness & kponess during my niece's wedding preparation, I also 'teluperness'....
20 dayz late on 25 July - off to Bedok Polyclinic to get this over & done with ! I was afraid he would cry cos baby is not a crier unless it really hurts. But Lo & Behold !.. when the nurse poked that Looongg needle thru' his right arm, he just kept quiet & luk at my face... all of us (including the nurses, was stunned)... this boy got pride & ego .. must step cool lah!... After that he juz hugged me & Walao !.. was running around while we waited to see the Dr for his assessment.
When the Dr asked him to - he refused to kick the ball, hold & drink fm the cup, walk a few steps... but while I was chatting wif Dr.. he took the cup & pretend to sip from it (with "Aaahhh" sound somemore).. take the ball & kicked it around the room, walk & run & dance with his constant babbling.. ! Hahaha.. this boy of mine - wonder what's in store for me in the future !...
He was clingy to me in the afternoon & his right arm was a bit swelled.. the sad thing is I really have to leave him with my maid in the evening coz hb hv to attend the Egyptian Ambassor's invitation for their National Day... Haizz !! ok takper lah, baby was a bit ok & playing... we were late (invitation 7-9pm, sure late arr coz leave after sholat maghrib perr) & lost our way somemore.. maner ni Belmont Road ! Reached there ard 8.30pm hahaha... still got guess lah, all those high societies.. me very lemas this kind of occasion.. I know a few ppl, but lucky the Ambassor's wife is very friendly.. have met her twice before. Called to check on baby at 9.30pm & shortwhile after we left. Reached home & baby already slept with my maid.. don't want to wake him up, so I juz kiss him & left him there.
The morning after, before I get ready for work, checked on baby & he got temperature ! I cancelled my plan to go to work. My hb told me that since he'll be at home today, he & my maid can care for baby... I told him I know this, but I juz want to be there when baby is not well.
Alhamdullillah, the day passed & his temperature went down.. the whole day he was up & about - playing & running... It was a great day - to be with my baby & I'm glad I took off from work...

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