Thanks Mama .... u reli wanna say goodbye to the blogging world arr ? then u tagged me... takper, takper.... I will do this tag for you - but u don't leave the blogging world lah.... cian kiter tau. U yang start-start suroh kiter blog-blog pas tu u tinggalkan kiter pat sini.... tak fair tau !
Here ya go !
10 Favourites 1. Colour : Purple
2. Food : alamak nak kener choose arr.. aper huh?.. manyak lah ! Anything My Mum cook lah.. Boleh ?
3. Song : Aiyoh ! satu jugak eh ? ... Love Me by Colin Ray (orbit ya !)
4. Movie : hmmm...aper arr apart from P.Ramlee ? Fairy tales lah cam Cinderella gitu... I like..5. Sport : used to be badminton... now bowling lah (if running after my baby isn't counted)
6. Day of the week : Sunday - when we gather & serakkan my parents home
7. Ice cream Flavour: Pure heavenly deliciously creamy CHOCOLATE !!
8. Car Model : hahaha.. me arr.. Volkswagen Beetle
9. Subject in School : P.E. (hahaha.. boleh pakai shorts, my leg sexy u....)
10. Snacks: NUTS !!... yum, yum.. crunchy !!!!
9 Currents
1. Mood: ok lah... Monday at work ! wat do ya tink ?
2. Taste: Retro
3. Clothes: pants & blouse & jacket (sejok arr ni ofis nari)
4. Toenail Colour: original
5. Time: 2.04pm
6. Surrounding: In my cubicle, in my ofis, in my company at Paya Lebar in Singapore
7. Annoyance: my bosses giggling macam takder kerjer (hehehe while I'm doing this tag)
8. Thoughts: Balek ni nak amek ChizKek dari rumah Lynn ker tak nak ?
9. ???? : tak der ? Alhamdullillah....
8 First(s)
1. Best Friend: Faridah (from Pri. 1 - where r u arr ? )
2. Crush: Mel Gibson (hensem lah.. skarang pon maseh hansem tau !)
3. Movie: mmpphh dulu2 arr tengok pat wayang Central - citer 3 stooges..hehehe
4. Piercing: tak tau arr..tau-tau jer dah ader lobang pat tlinger
5. Lie: tym baby, I nangis - my mum ingat I nak susu, ekcoli I bedek.. I nak her attention jer ;)
6. Music: Lagu aper tu arr my mum nyanyi kan ? "Buwai, lajuuu.. laju.... Sampai pokok sener...."
7. Car: my dads Honda Civic... now My KANGOO van (van pon car jugak kan ?)
8. Real Date Venue: pat CentrePoint.. hehehe.. now my hb arr... tunggu after my class...
7 Last(s)
1. Drink: Manggo Juice (brand aper ar.. *nenok wastebasket* "Alamak ! makcik da angkat da.."
2. Car ride: Drive my KANGOO to work - all by myself...
3. "Movie Crush": TRANSAMERICA
4. Phone Call: My Son Zaid (hahaha.. angkat tepon "".. saper ni?.. my anak da..
5. Song Played: Kam Layla by Nawal Al-Zoughibi (cam nak gelek sey)
6. Food Ate: Mee Rebos (tak sedap)
7. Thing I do before going to sleep: Doa, Kiss my baby, kiss my hb... pass tu tak tau arr - depends !
6 Have You Ever
1. Dated one of your Bestfriends: Nope !!
2. Broken the law: Sure lah ! who don't ?.. jgn bedek lah ! littering, speed, parking... many more lah !
3. Been arrested: NOT YET far hv been lucky lah !
4. Skinned Dipped: in my bathtub counted tak ?
5. Been on TV: yep.. 1st tym chirren show 'Sayang adekku sayang' & the Last I tink Eid-Adha 2005 wif my family
6. Kissed someone you didn't know: Ader lah - baby, baby.... hehehe..
5 Things You're Wearing
(Bra & Panty must lah)
1. Head Scarves
2. Blouse
3. Pants
4. Stocking
5. My wedding ring
4 Things You've Done Today
1. Shower
2. Dressed
3. Drive to work
4. Eat Lunch (cuti umum arr.. tak sholat)
3 Things You Can Hear Right Now
1. My head thumping... (pening arr)
2. My colleague babbling behind me
3. The air-con buzzing away (tambah pening sey !)
2 Things You Can't Live Without
1. My faith - my Religion (Islam)
2. My Family & Friends (this 2 arr ?)
1 Thing You Do When You're Bored :
Play with my baby3 Beautiful Peeps to Carry Out The Game
1. Linda
2. Mel
3. Ju
Ok... dahbes... Slamat.... now I can get back to work !! Wohooooo !!!!