Juz that ... for you to be a Good, Abiding & Practising Muslim.... thus, at the same time, you'll be good and happines will be yours always;- during your lifetime and after... InsyaAllah.
Be my Imam when the time comes... and InsyaAllah, the path to goodness & Jannah (Heaven - thereafter), will be wide, bright & easy for you ... Ameen.
Dont forget yr prayers...
"Prayer is a manifestation of inner feeling that we all belong to Allah, the Most High, who has overall control over everything. And when you utter the phrase, "Allahu Akbar" at the start of every prayer, all material things should become insignificant because you are in the presence of the Lord of the universe who controls every aspect of it. He is greater than everything. As you recite the Chapter of "Al-Fatiha", you say, "You do we worship, and You do we ask for help". Thus, you rid yourself of dependency on any mortal.
With that exquisite feeling of submission to Him, you enrich your spirit five times a day.." And you'll find peace...
Umi will always Doa' (pray) for your well-beings... Ameen ya Rabbal Alamin..
Allahu-Akbar (Allah is Great)
SubhaNa Rabyial-'Adheemi-Wa-BiHamdih
(Glory and Praise be to my God {Allah})