Well this posting might be 3mths late, but What-the-heck ! Here I goes....
Went to the Zoo with darling hubby and baby for the 2nd time on 14 Jan 2006. This time, however... my 13yrs old son & maid tagged along...
The FIRST trip we went just before my baby turns One - Wrong planning! It was just me, hubby and baby. We were early & was at the Zoo around 9am. Weekday & not many ppl around - nice day !.... The wrong move ? - we went around viewing the big animals in big their cages & panting around trying to catch those animal shows that baby's not really interested in !. Then stomach grumbles oredy, so KFC there we went ! "After that can go Animal Farm" (I thought). Yum, yum...
Then baby saw the playground & playpool ! Weeeeeee... he rushed off ! Oh boy ! I didn't bring any swimsuit for him, but anyway... splosh ! he went in & gets very wet (& myself too).
After an hour or so, I showered & changed him... Have to rush to the Animal Farm before he naps ! ... but no success to keep those adorable eyes opened, it close shut !... so we set for home.
This time, must plan well ! Must cover Animal Farm & the Tropical Forest where baby can enjoy the 'small' animals. So we were a bit late by 1.5 hrs... hehehe ! Reached the Zoo abt 10.30am & straight to the Animal Farm ! He's very happy.. shouting, jumping, feeding the animals & wanted to squeeze the hamsters ! The dog show , however, doesn't interest him much though.

Umi, will my foot grow as big as Komali's ?

~ Here little sheepy..come Mammam..

ehem.. wanna feed me next?..how abt lunch after this?> > Sliding down... wow !

Baba, why r the elephant so tiny ?
Anyway, it was nearly 1pm, so, hv to satisfy our rumbling tummy, the answer ? - KFC !!. After yum, yum.....tadadaa..dadaa...
Play Ground & Play Pool ! This time, I hv his swim suit ready. Oh Boy ! Splishing & splashing Time ! Baby doesn't walk yet.. so hv to hold him around... slowly slowly please.. Umi is getting wet too ! !! Running, jumping and chasing the other children around (esp. girls.. hehe)... !! "Ok.. time's up and don't kick those legs !.. it had been more than and hour oredy !."

...........wow, u big size leh, no chance lah, wait u buly me !
Then guessed what ? ... He slept from exhaustion !
We do take the walk in the Tropical Forest though cos my maid have not been to the Zoo before, however my 13 yrs old looks very uninterested. Oh ! how I wish baby is up see all those cute animals there... he would have enjoyed it ! Well, there's always another day..... InsyaAllah.
Guess I have to make more trips to the Zoo...
.. Tropical Forest, here we come.. next !

To sum it all up !
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