She's still single - 25 yrs old.
She's good with my baby.... entertaining him & playing with him. She's not great with housework and cleaning, she's not great with ironing, she's not so good with cooking... I can tolerate all this.. the compensation being my primary concern ; that is my my baby... and he likes her. She's soft spoken, and speak to us with respect. She's pleasant, bubbly with the children and speaks English well.
GREAT ??..........................Not so 
Yesterday, hb came home early. While waiting for the lift.. suddenly a lil boy's voice shouted to him "Baba............ baba............". There he was.. under the void-deck, on those stone benches.... my maid, standing.... with 2 men by her side... busy punching the keypads on her hp while one of the man whispered something to her ear.... exchanging phone numbers !!!! My baby ran to my hb, without any footwear !!!......BAREfooted !!!!
When my hb asked what she's doing, and why she was downstairs with a barefoot child ! Her answer is 'The towel had dropped so I came down to pick it up" (true, she hv a kitchen towel in her hand)'. My Katkoot was asleep and the 2 elder boys were at home... but as she was leaving, Katkoot woke up, so she just grabbed him and brought him along downstairs to picked up the towel !! (takleh pakaikan slipar ker?? !!). Anyway that's not important ! Who's the two men ?? OOohhhh... she just met them. But my katkoot told hb that "Uncle gave me sweet !"... Maaaakkkkkkkkk !! Strangers give something to my baby and she let them !!......... what if that thing is harmful !!!!! *Faintedddddddd* (don't want to even think about it !!!).
I know she's a bit 'cheeky' and used her hp lots.... sms-ing and such. If you want to hv boyfriendz outside and meet them on yr off-dayzzz... I close my eyes arr..... if you want to exchange numbers outside....... pasal kau lah naaakkk. But under MY BLOCK !!! So these ppl know where she worked and where I stay !!! What's next ??... they will come knocking at my door looking for her while we are working and the boyz at school ??!!!! What's next ????.........and next? and next ???.... AAArrrgggghhhh...........
Dilema......... dilema................
Do I let her stay with a stern warning ?... or do I just return her back to the agent ?? She's been with us for only 1.5 months !!!!!! I am very patient with maids' nonsense... but this makes me shiver a little !!...... what if she dragged my baby along during her hanky-panky ??? I felt like sending her OFF ......... but again, like previous case........... when I look at heart melted..........tak sampai ati lah................ :( Toooooooooooollloooooooooooonggggggggggggggg !!!!! I'm a good employer.... why can't I get a good maid like before................
ya Rabb, tolonglah hamba mu ini......... Hwwwaaaaaaaaaa :*(