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******************** "HE IS NOT STRONG AND POWERFUL WHO THROWS PEOPLE DOWN, BUT,HE IS STRONG WHO WITHHOLDS HIMSELF FROM ANGER" ********************* "When u see a person who had been given more than you in money and beauty, Look to those who have been given less" ********************
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Sedih...sedih betul !!! Let me let my dissapointment out here, let me cry this visual tears of mine ...coz at home I must act "cool"... action lah... that it's all orite !!
Dont get me wrong, I am Not angry at anyone ... but MYSELF !! ... it's my fault .. I commit and now.. "boooo hoooooooo !!" Hwaaaaaaaaaaa !!
I've been waiting for this day, anticipating... best tau !! Not many will organise all ladies wedding party anymore... well we do have henna nights from time to time - it's a day to "let our hair down"... wooohoooo !! ... No Men ! No prying eyes !!...
I have an invitation at DownTown East this Saturday - 22nd December for a "All Ladies" wedding dinner party from a relative/friend ... I know my 'gang' will be there, we will hv so much fun !! ... MasyaAllah, even her mum & aunts are a fun bunch of gals !! Best kan.... kan !!????
But why ??... why ooohhh why ??...
The other day when my hb told me he wanted some friends over on Eid, I told him "No" .. but to invite them on Saturday instead - AND what's that DATE ????.... 22nd !!!!!!
Why didn't I checked the calendar, why I didn't open my invitation cards !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... *Smack Head a million times* ........Astaghrafirullah... (cannot question why & why tau ;))
"Telajak perahu boleh tarek balek... telajak jemput orang, sedih tegolek-golek ...."... LOL !!!
When I told my hb upon discovering my *setupid* mistake of not checking ... he asked me "Then How ??" I (of course) hv to maintain my composure la... "Nevermind, no BIG deal... "... .......... tapi di dalam hati ku... sungguh lah sedih... sedih skali, remok... hancur harapan ... baju yg maner nak ku pakai pon telah bermain di kepaler... ingatkan bolehlah gelek-gelek, rupernyer dirumah ku harus berhempas-pulas !!
LOL !!!!!
Takper.. Amal Jariah... Ader Hikmahnyer.... Kolek Pahaler... InsyaAllah... Ameen... ,,,,, tapi...still......... Hwaaaaaaa !!!.......I want to go for that Wedding !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hwaaaa !!!......
Ok dah........
Takper... Alhamdullillah........Besok HARI RAYER !!!! yeeehh... yeeehhh....
EID Sayeed to All .........
December is supposed to be school holiday... but wohoo !! me too r having dayz outz ... neway, I also hv to clear my leave...
Last 2 weeks :
5 December - Makan trip at JB
8 December - Delightful moments; small gathering with my Secondary school mates.
11 December - Lunch at Katong & Outing to Vivocity
13 December - A day at the Zoo (Alhamdullillah, sunny day)
16 December - Looney Tunes day at Suntec City...
And more to come... MasyaAllah, eventhough we didn't go out of the country for a holiday.... my calender is packed activities till end of the year !!
.. and he's happy, Alhamdullillah...
Tommorow, I'll be on leave again.. and Friday... and next Friday.. and New Year Eve... InsyaAllah. Eventhough I can't affort to take one stretch leave ... it's already a WOHOOOO !!!!