Ok.. no need to story long-long lah, u can read abt the meet-up fm Marya, Mel & Magg's blog. Eh ! this should be the Union of the 'M' da.. how come I teselit one 'S' ??.. but I also "Mama" perr.. so all Mummies & Mamas oso M maa..!! hehehe..
To meet at 4pm, but all 'star karat' sure lambat nak kener perambat .. including ME !!.. actually kan (excusela ni...) I oredy redy early-early tau, tot of taking the MeRaTi wif baby Katkoot (he sure jakon & hepi to take MRT). But some 'uninvited' guess came over, so tesendat kejap, but when the clock showed 4pm, I just "Salam Alaikum" la.. On my way to take my camera yg tetinggal at my kangoo van, I pon terdrive to the Airport !!.. hehe..
Was there almost 4.30 and began the loooonnnggg walk to the other end of the Airport to Swensen ! While waiting, Mel sms me & said she's already at McD... eh! Budak ni.. orang nak gi Swensen, she pat McD pulak ! (but lucky jugaklah coz Zed can 'curik2' Asyura nyer Fries while waiting for our order.. hehe). Magg, Marya & her niece came later. Then, I need 'cash'! & u know what !.. together with Zed on toll (& sometime dokong!) , jalan cam lipas-kodong baaaaaaccck to the other end of the Airport to the ATM & then baaaaaaack again to Swensen. Ya Rabb ! cam nak tekelepot my kaki !
But Alhamdullillah.. we had fun ! Nice getting to know u MAGG... Muler2 tak kenal nama but face cam familiar (cos I've seen Crabb's blog b4). We chat2, at the same time run-run after our babies yg terrorise Swensen until the partition plastic pon bekali2 tecabot ! Zed kept wondering off & running around - out of my sight... & while not wanting to leave the table (takot telepat topics.. hehe), I hv to constantly stick out my ala ostrich neck making sure he's not totally lost! Chat nyer chat, our babies dah terOver their 'Good' behaviour, so better leave before we kener halau !! We made our way to the viewing gallery & continued celoteh while leaving the babies doing their Oympics track & field events there... Zed kept on going down, doing his disco spin on the floor, mopping them with his T-shirt... Selamatlah ni Epot S'pore berseh, kalau pat 'negeri' lain, itam-lotok lah ko nyer T-shirt !! Almost 7pm already, so we parted ... Mel tagged along with me cos she wanted to go to Tampines (sorry eh Mel, duduk belakang)... & I pong go home lah....
And I tot, I don't want to tell story long2 ..Haha ! (go figure !)
{No pictures from me coz my "Ma-Ka-Ka" (Zed's version for Camera) went flat on me !.. Aiiizzz !!!}

Footnote :
Friends I cherish...
Meeting you, Alhamdullillah
Till we meet again, I wish...
With Allah's grant, InsyaAllah