Chance upon this website & found it to be very enlightening... - go to "freestuff" and sign up for (of course) free !!!
From Muhammad Alshareef:
All around us, self-help gurus (not Shaykhs, gurus) and personal development coaches offer us tips on how to be successful. Any Muslim that attends these workshops or listens to this advice can 'sense' that all of this and much more is already a slice of Islam. Yet, not too many Muslims know where to access this success advice and guidance from Islamic sources.
....Every week for one year,I will send you a short but powerful verse or hadith related to success conditioning..... . Some of the hadith you may have read before, but will love being reminded. Others you will be learning for the first time, and will love the depth it brings to your life and loved ones.
Some of the Quran & Hadith that I would love to share ( I hv 14 weeks and will try to update bit by bit so it will be more meaningful, alternatively you can sign up and receive a weekly update in your e-mail)..
Week 1: ** SEEK out benefit **
On the authority of Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah, sal Allahu alayhi wa salla, said: "Seek out that which benefits you,seek help only from Allah and never say you can't do it.
If any adversity comes to you, do not say: 'If I had only acted in such-and-such a way, it would have been such-and-such;' but instead, say: 'Allah has decreed (it)and what He willed, He has done,' for verily, (the word) (if) opens the way for the work of Satan."
- Saheeh Muslim
[Lessons from this hadith]
If there is something that will benefit you, make every effort and go after it! Seek it out.There is no failure, only lessons.
Week 2: ** We all need LOVE **
Allah's Messenger, sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam, said: "If Allah loves someone He calls (angel) Jibreel and says: I love so-and-so, so you love him. Jibreel loves him, and calls the other angels in Heaven to love that person. They love him, then his love will be made upon earth, and he becomes loved.
"And if Allah hates someone He calls Gabriel and says: I hate so-and-so and you hate him. Jibreel hates him and calls the angels in Heaven and says: Allah hates so-and-so, so you all hate him. They all hate him, and his hatred is made upon earth and he becomes hated." - Muslim
[Lessons from this hadith]
People do things for the sake of seeking out love from other humans. All the love you need is found in obeying Allah. Do actions sincerely to win Allah's love, and love will be yours!
Week 3: ** Be OUTSTANDING **
The Messenger of Allah, sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam, said, "Allah has commanded that everything (one does) they should do it with excellence (ihsan). When you sacrifice, sacrifice well. Sharpen your knife and make it easy for the animal to be slaughtered." - Muslim
[Lessons from this hadith]
Don't just aim to be 'good', be outstanding! This is what is required of a Muslim, in everything they do!
InsyaAllah, I will update more....
On another note... juz would like to share this family potrait of mine (missing is my latest niece born on 07/01/07 - still in the mummy's tummy).

(we turn Sakura @ downtownEast upside down to take this pic)
Alhamdullillah - we are one big happy family - All thanks to Allah !
"Please keep us, and our future generations, Loving each other for the sake of Allah.... Ameen"