Rejab is the month of Allah, Sha'ban (link) the month of the prophet and Ramadhan the month of my Ummah" - Hadith Qudsi
We welcome you O' Shaban, O' the month of the Prophet.
After emerging from Rejab with a heart that you have worked to purify day and night, cleansed from sin that has for so long weighed you down. It is now time at last to begin the journey.
Let us now enter the door, the door of Muhammed. (Peace and blessings be upon he)
This sacred month is a time one draws closer to the chosen one, not only in the implementation of his sunnah but also by increasing ones love and intimacy with him.
Once the heart beats with love of the most perfect of creation, it sends a rush around ones body, you begin constantly to think of his compassion, his beauty, his wisdom, his generosity, his connection to the celestial realms. He was the most, most, most perfect in every way, you are about to explode ... its too much and like a volcano this intense love erupts and flows through every part of you, your eyes cry in longing to meet him, your limbs surrender to his path and your tongue, oh your tongue, can do nothing but praise him.
Sha'ban is the month of the Prophet, meaning the month of sending much praise upon him.
Alf sal Allah alaika ya rasul Allah Ya Muhammed
(May a thousand blessings be sent upon you Oh messenger of Allah Oh Muhammed)
The prophet himself used to say 'miserly is the one who does not send salutations upon me'
In another Hadith he said 'He who sends salams upon me once, Allah sends salams upon him ten times'.
It has been related that the one who forgets to send salams upon him is forgotten.
Sending praise upon him illuminates the heart and fills the depths of ones soul with light. Love and longing to meet him becomes part of you, your limbs begin to conform to his way without your even realising it.
When Ramadhan enters with Rejab having stripped ones self from sin and Sha'ban filling it with love of Allahs messenger then the rains of Mercy, forgiveness, Love and Proximity can truly pour down and penetrate the depths of ones heart.
Allahummah barik lana fi Rajib wa Sha'ban wa balig na Ramadhan
(Oh Allah bless us in Rejab and Sha'ban and allow us to reach the realities of Ramadhan)
Nisf' Sha'ban (Night of barakah) (link)
On the Holy Night of 15th Sha'ban, after Maghrib or Isha prayer it is traditional practice to read Surah Yaseen three times (pls read the link), and after each time, read a special doa with the following intentions:
1st reading - the niyyat (intention) for should be for Long Life.
2nd reading - the niyyat (intention) should be for Protection from Calamities.
3rd Reading - the niyyat (intention) should be for not being needy to anyone except Allah.
~~~~~ TO ALL - SHA'BAN MUBARRAK !!! ~~~~~
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
Do u need these ?
Thursday, August 24, 2006
This being the blessed month of Rejab, I found this article very inspiring....
Mi'raj means Ascent.... what have we done this year that have improve (ascent) our status towards Allah and towards mankind ? Have we ? .. there is none ?... or worst, we have descend instead ? ...
... 'think & reflect' - deep in your hear, only you have the answer.... Wallahu'alam..
This might be a bit long.. but spare sometime, it's a good read.
Notes Prepared By Dr Waffie Mohammed
The embodiment of Praise is for Him Who caused to descend on His Slave the Book and no imperfections can be found in it. (18:1)
Verily, you definitely have, in the Messenger of Allah, a beautiful pattern of conduct for him whose goad is to return to Allah, and to be successful on the Last Day, and who engages much in the remembrance of Allah. (33:21)
Brothers & sisters, we are here to celebrate a great achievement, a unique experience, an occasion when man was able on one hand, to realize his own capability to the fullest extent, and to be exposed to something of the Greatness of his Lord on the other.
We must always keep in mind two things, viz.
* The Ruh of man is a special creation of most refined light from Allah. It did not come into being along with the universe; it was with Allah. That is why even the angels did not know the full capacity of man, when Allah announced to them that man shall be His Khalifah on earth. They questioned the Lord about Adam's capability.
* The physical body has tremendous potentials, as Allah says in the Qur'an, Ahsanul taqweem the best of shapes. Also:
We have honored the children of Adam; and provided them with transport on land and sea; give them for sustenance things good and pure; and conferred on them special favors above a great part of Our Creation. (17:70, Isra)
The working of the body is called nafs. It (i.e. the nafs) has the capacity to behave worse than animals, (Verily the nafs orders to commit sins, (12:53), or its desires can become so refined that it can be even more refined than the angels.
(As for him who fears his status with his Lord, and prohibits his nafs from material aspirations, verily, for him Paradise will be his abode. (78:42)
The goal of the nafs is called "hawa". This word means: ambition, purpose, aspiration, desire.
When the aspiration of a person is only to acquire & enjoy material things, he or she will not be able to experience Mi'raj. About such a person Allah says:
Have you not seen the one who takes as his god his own vain desire? Allah, knowing him as such, leaves him to go astray, and sealed his hearing and his heart, and put a cover on his sight. (45:23, Jaathiya)
When ones heart & sight are sealed he will not be able to grasp something of the mysteries of the creation, and will not be able to behold the Glory of the Lord. Allah elaborates about this a little more in the following verse. He says:
Whoever desires the life of the Hereafter, We give increase in his tilth; and whoever desires the amenities of this world, We give him some of it but he will be getting nothing in the Hereafter. (42:20, Shura)
There are some people who are trying to get to their Lord, and so they control their worldly aspirations. About them Allah says:
As for him who entertains fear of standing before his Lord, and restrains his nafs from vain or low desires, their abode will be the Garden. (79:40)
The best example of the principle of such restraints was found in the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). In this connection Allah says about him the following:
He never said anything of his own "hawa", i.e. aspiration, ambition, etc. (53:3)
When your desires of your nafs co-inside with the desires of the Ruh, you have reached the stage of Nafsul Mutmainnah. About such people Allah says:
O nafs that has reached the state of peace and tranquility return to your Lord, well pleased with yourself and well pleasing with Him. (81:27-28).
The question that can be asked here is: In such a condition of body mind & soul, can a person experience Mi'raj in this life? In answer to this it might be good to know that, when Abraham had declared:
Verily, my prayer and my service of sacrifice of sacrifice, my living and my dying are all for Allah, the Lord of the worlds. (6:162) then Allah gave him his Mi'raj. Allah says: Thus did We show Abraham the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and it was so that he might have certainty. ((6:75)
Mi'raj is an experience of the total personality, during the person's physical life on this earth. It can be experienced by any individual who is sincerely aspiring to please his Lord by submitting to Him & establishing restraint upon the desires of the nafs. When a person does such he will get a religious experience called al-Yaqeen i.e. certainty. Allah says:
Submit yourselves until you experience certainty. (15:99)
Some scholars are of the view that certainty here means death, as death is sure. But Hazrat Abu Bakr narrates that the Prophet (pbuh) is reported to have said: "Ask Allah for forgiveness and health for after being granted certainty, one is given nothing better than health. (Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah).
Mi'raj can be experienced in different ways, for example, it can be experienced in three basic ways, viz.
* Personal feeling, while awake. The best personal feeling one can have is while in Salaat; as in this position it is the worshipper standing before his Lord with nothing between them. It is in this context that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is reported to have said that: Salaat is the Mi'raj of the true believer.
* True dreams: During sleep, the soul can travel and even visit Paradise by the leave of Allah; that is why some people dream something of the Garden of Bliss.
* Spiritual knowledge: In this state of physical condition the person will experience things which he will not be able to describe as they will be outside the realm of reason & logic.
Mi'raj is a Religious experience outside the realm of reason & logic. It is because of this Allah says about the Prophet's (pbuh) Mi'raj, that it will be a source of controversy to the people. He says: And We have not granted the vision which We have given to you, except that it will be a trial (or a source of controversy) for mankind. (17:60, Al-Isra)
Religious experience will always be a source of controversy. When Moses use to go up on the mountain to meet his Lord, the Jews argued about it, so much so that they requested Moses to take them with him let them verify that what he was saying was true. When they went up there, Allah caused all of them to die, and then He gave them back their lives.
Real Mi'raj is when the person, by Allah's Grace is able to ascend, in this lifetime to the heavens & view some of the creations of Paradise. That will only be possible when the nafs has attained the state of peace & tranquility. For such a person, Allah will open the gates of the skies (or heavens) & they will see something of His Signs. He says:
To those who reject Our Signs and treat them with arrogance, no opening will there be of the gates of the skies (for them) nor will they enter Jannah. (740:)
The gates of the skies are always open to the righteous, as their good deeds are recorded in the skies in a place called Illiyeen. In addition some of them can ascend beyond the barriers of the skies, as the Prophet (pbuh) did on the night of Mi'raj.
Everyday there are creatures ascending to the heavens and others descending. Allah says:
He (Allah) knows all that goes into the earth and all that comes out thereof, and all that comes down from the sky and all that ascend there to. (34:2)
Allah is the Lord of the many stairways of ascent. (70:3)
Some people believe that it is only the angels that ascend to the heavens, however that may not be so as many other things go up to the skies, for example the good deeds of the pious believers. Also, there are pious people, even in this age who are able to ascend beyond the first sky, as Allah, out of His Mercies, do open up the gates of the skies for some of them.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was a special person amongst all humans, Jinns & angels. He had a special mission. This can be summarized as follows:
* To teach man to recognize that Allah is Lord of the worlds, and that there are no other gods besides Him.
* To invite man to Allah & to light up the Path of ascent for all those who are desirous of doing so. Allah tells us about his mission as follows:
O Prophet, truly We have sent you as a Witness, a Bearer of Glad Tidings and a Warner; and as one who invites to Allah by His leave, and as a Lamp that gives light (on the way); and give Glad Tidings to the Believers, that they shall have from Allah a very great Bounty. (Ahzab,33:45-7)
So Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) went along the path through which he was supposed to lead the believers back to Allah. The complete journey back to Allah was experienced during the night of Mi'raj.
We must always keep in mind that Adam was a physical being in Jannah before he came down to earth. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who was the best among mankind, and the mercy to the worlds, was given the opportunity to retrace the journey upwards from where Adam came; because Adam traveled physically downwards, the blessed Messenger did so in a physical form as he journeyed upwards through the skies. It is because of this that Ibn Abbas said:
The things described by the Prophet (pbuh) were actual eye witness shown to him.
The beloved Prophet (pbuh) was invited to witness the things he was preaching about, such as Paradise, Hell, reward and punishment. More importantly, he was invited to witness the Divine existence of the Lord Himself. Allah says in the Holy Qur'an:
Allah bears witness that, verily, He, there is no god but He, and the angels bear witness, and those endued with knowledge standing firm with justice. (3:18)
So every time a believer declares that he bears witness that there is no god but Allah, he is saying so on the authority of the verification of this fact by the Prophet (pbuh) who witnessed the Divine presence alone, standing before the Throne.
In the Qur'an you will find support for some of the things that occurred on the journey of Mi'raj. One of these is the meeting with Moses. We all know how Moses pleaded with the Prophet (pbuh) to have the amount of Salaat reduced. But did he actually meet Moses? In the Qur'an we read the following verse:
And verily, We have given Moses the book, so do not doubt about the meeting with him (i.e. Moses). (Sajdah, 32:23)
The Qur'an also confirms that the Prophet (pbuh) went nearest to his Lord, nearer than any other created thing including Angel Gabriel. Allah says:
Verily, this is the word of a most honorable Messenger, endued with Power and Rank, standing before the Lord of the Throne, with authority there and faithful to his trust. (Tawkir, 81:19-21)
The majority of scholars interpret this verse in reference to Jibraeel, but it could not mean the angel, for the following reasons:
* The believers did not hear the message coming from the mouth of Jibraeel; but they know that the Prophet (pbuh) recited it.
* There is no record that Jibraeel ever stood before the Throne of Allah
* Angels do not have authority except what the Lord bestows on them
* Prophet (pbuh) had more rank than Jibraeel as he went where the angel could not have gone.
* Angels prostrated before Adam before, so that the cream of the creation of man certainly has more rank and authority than one who prostrated before a less important person.
We are all aware that on the night of the Mi'raj, there was a point of ascent above which Jibraeel could not have gone, it was only the Prophet (pbuh) who was able to ascend beyond it, and to stand before his Lord as is recorded in the verse mentioned above.
The Mi'raj of the Prophet (pbuh) was unique. It had three distinct phases, viz.
* The journey from Makkah to Jerusalem.
* The journey to the heavens.
* The journey after Jibraeel could not have gone further along with him.
The fact that he was able to go up to Allah is fulfillment of the Qur'anic verse in which Allah says:
To your Lord is your final destination. (Najm. 53:42)
The Mi'raj was the experience of the Prophet (pbuh) with his total personality, i.e. with his body, mind and soul. We know that he was physically transported to Jerusalem, that is why it is called "Israa" a night journey. On the way, he did some physical things, verified by those with whom he came into contact.
Then Allah speaks about his sight and heart in Surah Najm, meaning that he saw with his eyes and understood with his heart. This was easy for him as Allah says about the true believers that He Allah becomes the eyes with which they see, the ears with which they hear and the hearts with which they understand.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was blessed with the great experience of witnessing everything he preached. He also, through Allah's Grace established the Institution of Worship in which the believer stands in front of his Lord and speak to Him, in a way that no other creature has the opportunity to do. It is for us to make use of the opportunity and climb all the way to our Lord as our leader did.
May Allah bless us all.
Mi'raj means Ascent.... what have we done this year that have improve (ascent) our status towards Allah and towards mankind ? Have we ? .. there is none ?... or worst, we have descend instead ? ...
... 'think & reflect' - deep in your hear, only you have the answer.... Wallahu'alam..
This might be a bit long.. but spare sometime, it's a good read.
Notes Prepared By Dr Waffie Mohammed
The Mi'raj (Ascent) of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
The embodiment of Praise is for Him Who caused to descend on His Slave the Book and no imperfections can be found in it. (18:1)
Verily, you definitely have, in the Messenger of Allah, a beautiful pattern of conduct for him whose goad is to return to Allah, and to be successful on the Last Day, and who engages much in the remembrance of Allah. (33:21)
Brothers & sisters, we are here to celebrate a great achievement, a unique experience, an occasion when man was able on one hand, to realize his own capability to the fullest extent, and to be exposed to something of the Greatness of his Lord on the other.
We must always keep in mind two things, viz.
* The Ruh of man is a special creation of most refined light from Allah. It did not come into being along with the universe; it was with Allah. That is why even the angels did not know the full capacity of man, when Allah announced to them that man shall be His Khalifah on earth. They questioned the Lord about Adam's capability.
* The physical body has tremendous potentials, as Allah says in the Qur'an, Ahsanul taqweem the best of shapes. Also:
We have honored the children of Adam; and provided them with transport on land and sea; give them for sustenance things good and pure; and conferred on them special favors above a great part of Our Creation. (17:70, Isra)
The working of the body is called nafs. It (i.e. the nafs) has the capacity to behave worse than animals, (Verily the nafs orders to commit sins, (12:53), or its desires can become so refined that it can be even more refined than the angels.
(As for him who fears his status with his Lord, and prohibits his nafs from material aspirations, verily, for him Paradise will be his abode. (78:42)
The goal of the nafs is called "hawa". This word means: ambition, purpose, aspiration, desire.
When the aspiration of a person is only to acquire & enjoy material things, he or she will not be able to experience Mi'raj. About such a person Allah says:
Have you not seen the one who takes as his god his own vain desire? Allah, knowing him as such, leaves him to go astray, and sealed his hearing and his heart, and put a cover on his sight. (45:23, Jaathiya)
When ones heart & sight are sealed he will not be able to grasp something of the mysteries of the creation, and will not be able to behold the Glory of the Lord. Allah elaborates about this a little more in the following verse. He says:
Whoever desires the life of the Hereafter, We give increase in his tilth; and whoever desires the amenities of this world, We give him some of it but he will be getting nothing in the Hereafter. (42:20, Shura)
There are some people who are trying to get to their Lord, and so they control their worldly aspirations. About them Allah says:
As for him who entertains fear of standing before his Lord, and restrains his nafs from vain or low desires, their abode will be the Garden. (79:40)
The best example of the principle of such restraints was found in the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). In this connection Allah says about him the following:
He never said anything of his own "hawa", i.e. aspiration, ambition, etc. (53:3)
When your desires of your nafs co-inside with the desires of the Ruh, you have reached the stage of Nafsul Mutmainnah. About such people Allah says:
O nafs that has reached the state of peace and tranquility return to your Lord, well pleased with yourself and well pleasing with Him. (81:27-28).
The question that can be asked here is: In such a condition of body mind & soul, can a person experience Mi'raj in this life? In answer to this it might be good to know that, when Abraham had declared:
Verily, my prayer and my service of sacrifice of sacrifice, my living and my dying are all for Allah, the Lord of the worlds. (6:162) then Allah gave him his Mi'raj. Allah says: Thus did We show Abraham the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and it was so that he might have certainty. ((6:75)
Mi'raj is an experience of the total personality, during the person's physical life on this earth. It can be experienced by any individual who is sincerely aspiring to please his Lord by submitting to Him & establishing restraint upon the desires of the nafs. When a person does such he will get a religious experience called al-Yaqeen i.e. certainty. Allah says:
Submit yourselves until you experience certainty. (15:99)
Some scholars are of the view that certainty here means death, as death is sure. But Hazrat Abu Bakr narrates that the Prophet (pbuh) is reported to have said: "Ask Allah for forgiveness and health for after being granted certainty, one is given nothing better than health. (Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah).
Mi'raj can be experienced in different ways, for example, it can be experienced in three basic ways, viz.
* Personal feeling, while awake. The best personal feeling one can have is while in Salaat; as in this position it is the worshipper standing before his Lord with nothing between them. It is in this context that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is reported to have said that: Salaat is the Mi'raj of the true believer.
* True dreams: During sleep, the soul can travel and even visit Paradise by the leave of Allah; that is why some people dream something of the Garden of Bliss.
* Spiritual knowledge: In this state of physical condition the person will experience things which he will not be able to describe as they will be outside the realm of reason & logic.
Mi'raj is a Religious experience outside the realm of reason & logic. It is because of this Allah says about the Prophet's (pbuh) Mi'raj, that it will be a source of controversy to the people. He says: And We have not granted the vision which We have given to you, except that it will be a trial (or a source of controversy) for mankind. (17:60, Al-Isra)
Religious experience will always be a source of controversy. When Moses use to go up on the mountain to meet his Lord, the Jews argued about it, so much so that they requested Moses to take them with him let them verify that what he was saying was true. When they went up there, Allah caused all of them to die, and then He gave them back their lives.
Real Mi'raj is when the person, by Allah's Grace is able to ascend, in this lifetime to the heavens & view some of the creations of Paradise. That will only be possible when the nafs has attained the state of peace & tranquility. For such a person, Allah will open the gates of the skies (or heavens) & they will see something of His Signs. He says:
To those who reject Our Signs and treat them with arrogance, no opening will there be of the gates of the skies (for them) nor will they enter Jannah. (740:)
The gates of the skies are always open to the righteous, as their good deeds are recorded in the skies in a place called Illiyeen. In addition some of them can ascend beyond the barriers of the skies, as the Prophet (pbuh) did on the night of Mi'raj.
Everyday there are creatures ascending to the heavens and others descending. Allah says:
He (Allah) knows all that goes into the earth and all that comes out thereof, and all that comes down from the sky and all that ascend there to. (34:2)
Allah is the Lord of the many stairways of ascent. (70:3)
Some people believe that it is only the angels that ascend to the heavens, however that may not be so as many other things go up to the skies, for example the good deeds of the pious believers. Also, there are pious people, even in this age who are able to ascend beyond the first sky, as Allah, out of His Mercies, do open up the gates of the skies for some of them.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was a special person amongst all humans, Jinns & angels. He had a special mission. This can be summarized as follows:
* To teach man to recognize that Allah is Lord of the worlds, and that there are no other gods besides Him.
* To invite man to Allah & to light up the Path of ascent for all those who are desirous of doing so. Allah tells us about his mission as follows:
O Prophet, truly We have sent you as a Witness, a Bearer of Glad Tidings and a Warner; and as one who invites to Allah by His leave, and as a Lamp that gives light (on the way); and give Glad Tidings to the Believers, that they shall have from Allah a very great Bounty. (Ahzab,33:45-7)
So Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) went along the path through which he was supposed to lead the believers back to Allah. The complete journey back to Allah was experienced during the night of Mi'raj.
We must always keep in mind that Adam was a physical being in Jannah before he came down to earth. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who was the best among mankind, and the mercy to the worlds, was given the opportunity to retrace the journey upwards from where Adam came; because Adam traveled physically downwards, the blessed Messenger did so in a physical form as he journeyed upwards through the skies. It is because of this that Ibn Abbas said:
The things described by the Prophet (pbuh) were actual eye witness shown to him.
The beloved Prophet (pbuh) was invited to witness the things he was preaching about, such as Paradise, Hell, reward and punishment. More importantly, he was invited to witness the Divine existence of the Lord Himself. Allah says in the Holy Qur'an:
Allah bears witness that, verily, He, there is no god but He, and the angels bear witness, and those endued with knowledge standing firm with justice. (3:18)
So every time a believer declares that he bears witness that there is no god but Allah, he is saying so on the authority of the verification of this fact by the Prophet (pbuh) who witnessed the Divine presence alone, standing before the Throne.
In the Qur'an you will find support for some of the things that occurred on the journey of Mi'raj. One of these is the meeting with Moses. We all know how Moses pleaded with the Prophet (pbuh) to have the amount of Salaat reduced. But did he actually meet Moses? In the Qur'an we read the following verse:
And verily, We have given Moses the book, so do not doubt about the meeting with him (i.e. Moses). (Sajdah, 32:23)
The Qur'an also confirms that the Prophet (pbuh) went nearest to his Lord, nearer than any other created thing including Angel Gabriel. Allah says:
Verily, this is the word of a most honorable Messenger, endued with Power and Rank, standing before the Lord of the Throne, with authority there and faithful to his trust. (Tawkir, 81:19-21)
The majority of scholars interpret this verse in reference to Jibraeel, but it could not mean the angel, for the following reasons:
* The believers did not hear the message coming from the mouth of Jibraeel; but they know that the Prophet (pbuh) recited it.
* There is no record that Jibraeel ever stood before the Throne of Allah
* Angels do not have authority except what the Lord bestows on them
* Prophet (pbuh) had more rank than Jibraeel as he went where the angel could not have gone.
* Angels prostrated before Adam before, so that the cream of the creation of man certainly has more rank and authority than one who prostrated before a less important person.
We are all aware that on the night of the Mi'raj, there was a point of ascent above which Jibraeel could not have gone, it was only the Prophet (pbuh) who was able to ascend beyond it, and to stand before his Lord as is recorded in the verse mentioned above.
The Mi'raj of the Prophet (pbuh) was unique. It had three distinct phases, viz.
* The journey from Makkah to Jerusalem.
* The journey to the heavens.
* The journey after Jibraeel could not have gone further along with him.
The fact that he was able to go up to Allah is fulfillment of the Qur'anic verse in which Allah says:
To your Lord is your final destination. (Najm. 53:42)
The Mi'raj was the experience of the Prophet (pbuh) with his total personality, i.e. with his body, mind and soul. We know that he was physically transported to Jerusalem, that is why it is called "Israa" a night journey. On the way, he did some physical things, verified by those with whom he came into contact.
Then Allah speaks about his sight and heart in Surah Najm, meaning that he saw with his eyes and understood with his heart. This was easy for him as Allah says about the true believers that He Allah becomes the eyes with which they see, the ears with which they hear and the hearts with which they understand.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was blessed with the great experience of witnessing everything he preached. He also, through Allah's Grace established the Institution of Worship in which the believer stands in front of his Lord and speak to Him, in a way that no other creature has the opportunity to do. It is for us to make use of the opportunity and climb all the way to our Lord as our leader did.
May Allah bless us all.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Wanted to post this pictures for quiet sometime now, but can't seem to upload the pictures ... so here I go again... !!
(You might hv seen these many times, but here's another reminder....)

Can you survive without using these ??...
... PLEASE TRY !!!
(You might hv seen these many times, but here's another reminder....)

Can you survive without using these ??...
... PLEASE TRY !!!
Friday, August 18, 2006
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Most of us must have heard these before, however, I still want to blog this down so as to share with whoever that might wanna read & also as a reminder to myself ....
Suatu hari, Imam Al-Ghazali berkumpul dengan murid-muridnya lalu beliau bertanya beberapa soalan berupa Teka-Teki, antaranya
Soalan Pertama:
Imam Ghazali " Apakah yang paling dekat dengan diri kita di dunia ini ?"
Murid 1 : " Orang tua "
Murid 2 : " Guru "
Murid 3 : " Teman "
Murid 4 : " Kaum kerabat "
Jawab Imam Ghazali " Semua jawaban itu benar Tetapi yang paling dengan kita ialah MATI.
Sebab itu janji Allah bahawa setiap yang bernyawa pasti akan mati ; Surah Ali-Imran :185).
Soalan Kedua:
Imam Ghazali "Apakah yang paling jauh dari kita di dunia ini?"
Murid 1 : " Negeri Cina "
Murid 2 : " Bulan "
Murid 3 : " Matahari "
Murid 4 : " Bintang-bintang "
Jawab Imam Ghazali " Semua jawaban itu benar Tetapi yang paling benar adalah MASA LALU.
Bagaimanapun kita, apapun kenderaan kita, tetap kita tidak akan dapat kembali ke masa yang lalu.
Oleh sebab itu kita harus menjaga hari ini, hari esok dan hari-hari yang akan datang dengan perbuatan yang sesuai dengan ajaran Agama".
Soalan Ketiga:
Imam Ghazali " Apa yang paling besar didunia ini ?"
Murid 1 : " Gunung "
Murid 2 : " Matahari "
Murid 3 : " Bumi "
Murid 4 : " Laut "
Jawab Imam Ghazali " Semua jawaban itu benar, tapi yang besar sekali adalah HAWA NAFSU (Surah Al A'raf: 179).
Maka itu kita harus hati-hati dengan nafsu kita, jangan sampai nafsu kita membawa ke neraka."
Soalan Keempat:
Imam Ghazali " Apa yang paling berat didunia"
Murid 1 : " Batu "
Murid 2 : " Besi "
Murid 3 : " Gajah "
Murid 4 : " Emas "
Jawab Imam Ghazali " Semua itu benar, tapi yang paling berat adalah MEMEGANG AMANAH (Surah Al-Azab : 72 ).
Tumbuh-tumbuhan, binatang, gunung, dan malaikat semua tidak mampu ketika Allah SWT meminta mereka menjadi khalifah (pemimpin) di dunia ini.
Tetapi manusia dengan sombongnya berebut-rebut menyanggupi permintaan Allah SWT sehingga banyak manusia masuk ke neraka kerana gagal memegang amanah."
Soalan Kelima
Imam Ghazali " Apa yang paling ringan di dunia ini?
Murid 1 :" Kapas"
Murid 2 :" Angin "
Murid 3 : " Debu "
Murid 4 : " Daun-daun"
Imam Ghazali "Semua jawaban kamu itu benar, tapi yang paling ringan sekali didunia ini adalah MENINGGALKAN SOLAT"
"Gara-gara pekerjaan kita atau urusan dunia, kita tinggalkan solat!"
Soalan Keenam
Imam Ghazali "Apa yang paling tajam sekali didunia ini? "
Murid - Murid dengan serentak menjawab :" Pedang "
Jawab Imam Ghazali " Itu benar, tapi yang paling tajam sekali didunia ini adalah LIDAH MANUSIA"
"Kerana melalui lidah, manusia dengan mudahnya menyakiti hati dan melukai perasaan saudaranya sendiri".
Five (5) lessons to make you think about the way we treat people.
1 - First Important Lesson - Cleaning Lady.
During my 2nd mth of college, our professor gave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious Student & had breezed through the questions until I read the last one:
"What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?"
Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several times. She was tall, dark-haired & in her 50s, but how would I know her name?
I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Just before class ended, one student Asked if the last question would count toward our quiz grade.
"Absolutely," said the professor. "In yr careers, u will meet many people. All are significant. They deserve yr attention & care, even if all u do is smile and say "hello."
I've never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her name was Dorothy.
** Me : Oh..oh... wat's the name of the Makciks that clean my office, frankly I don't know.. juz call her 'Cik'.... I am nice to her though. Mission 1 - to know her name (but shy to ask directly la... must snoop around & asked if any of my colleagues know & after that must start calling her by name "Cik XYZ"
2. - Second Important Lesson - Pickup in the Rain
One night, at11:30 p.m., an older African American woman was standing on the side of an Alabama highway trying to endure a lashing rainstorm. Her car had broken down & she desperately needed a ride. Soaking wet, she decided to flag down the next car. A young white man stopped to help her, generally unheard of in those conflict-filled 1960s. The man took her to safety, helped her get assistance, and put her into a taxicab. She seemed to be in a big hurry, but wrote down his address & thanked him. Seven days went by & a knock came on the man's door. To his surprise, a giant console color TV was delivered to his home. A special note was attached. It read:
"Thank you so much for assisting me on the highway the other night. The rain drenched not only my clothes, but lso my spirits. Then you came along. Because of u, I was able to make it to my dying husband's bedside just before he passed away... God bless u for helping me & unselfishly serving others."
Mrs. Nat King Cole.
**Me : Eh, Mrs Nat King Cole got no driver izzit ? Drive herself meh... ? Neway, will I do the same remains a question... mmpphh.. scenario : 11.30pm, black African woman, highway, heavy rain... - will I stop to help? My heart might want to, but I don't think my brain will let it... I ni penakot arr.. (scarry cat)"
3 - Third Important Lesson - Always remember those who serve.
In the days when an ice cream sundae cost much less, a 10-year-old boy entered a hotel coffee shop & sat at a table. A waitress put a glass of water in front of him. "How much is an ice cream sundae?" he asked. "Fifty cents," replied the waitress. The little boy pulled is hand out of his pocket & studied the coins in it. "Well, how much is a plain dish of ice cream?" he inquired. By now more people were waiting for a table & the waitress was growing impatient. "Thirty-five cents," she brusquely replied. The little boy again counted his coins. "I'll have the plain ice cream," he said.
The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on the table & walked away. The boy finished the ice cream, paid the cashier and left. When the waitress came back, she began to cry as she wiped down the table. There, placed neatly beside the empty dish, were two nickels & five pennies.
You see, he couldn't have the sundae, because he had to have enough left to leave her a tip.
**Me : This one I confess, I will NEVER EVER be like the boy - If I only have 50cents, I will definitely get that Damn Sundae !!... BUT !! If I am the waitress... oh my, I would pour myself a barrel of tears & feel guilty for the rest of my life - then the company will go bankrupt coz I'll start giving all children who walked in a FREE ice-cream sundae !!
4 - Fourth Important Lesson. - The obstacle in Our Path.
In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself & watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king's wealthiest merchants & courtiers came by & simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way.
Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, peasant laid down his burden & tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing & straining, he finally succeeded. After the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins & a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many of us never understand!
Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition.
**Me : Where is this Damn King when I needed him most ! ? I will do the same (but not such a huge rock lah... no strength to carry)... I do remove dangerous obstacles lying around, but so far never found any treasures beneath them !.. tapi takper arr, dapat pahaler (May Allah blessed me)
5 - Fifth Important Lesson - Giving When it Counts...
Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at a hospital, I got to know a little girl named Liz who was suffering from a rare & serious disease. Her only chance of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion from her 5-year old brother, who had miraculously survived the same disease & had developed the antibodies needed to combat the illness. The doctor explained the situation to her little brother, and asked the little boy if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister.
I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking a deep breath & saying, "Yes I'll do it if it will save her." As the transfusion progressed, he lay in bed next to his sister & smiled, as we all did, seeing the color returning to her cheek. Then his face grew pale & his smile faded.
He looked up at the doctor & asked with a trembling voice, "Will I start to die right away".
Being young, the little boy had misunderstood the doctor; he thought he was going to have to give his sister all of his blood in order to save her.
**Me : Ooo.... how sweet, I wanna hug & smooch this boy !! Only sweet innocent children will have such a pure heart like this.... (sob, sob... I'm all teary now..)
Most importantly..................
"Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like you do when nobody's watching."
**Me : Huh ? Wat say U ?... dance like you do when nobody's watching !!!!????
Oooo... u sure don't want to see this !!!... hahaha....
Suatu hari, Imam Al-Ghazali berkumpul dengan murid-muridnya lalu beliau bertanya beberapa soalan berupa Teka-Teki, antaranya
Soalan Pertama:
Imam Ghazali " Apakah yang paling dekat dengan diri kita di dunia ini ?"
Murid 1 : " Orang tua "
Murid 2 : " Guru "
Murid 3 : " Teman "
Murid 4 : " Kaum kerabat "
Jawab Imam Ghazali " Semua jawaban itu benar Tetapi yang paling dengan kita ialah MATI.
Sebab itu janji Allah bahawa setiap yang bernyawa pasti akan mati ; Surah Ali-Imran :185).
Soalan Kedua:
Imam Ghazali "Apakah yang paling jauh dari kita di dunia ini?"
Murid 1 : " Negeri Cina "
Murid 2 : " Bulan "
Murid 3 : " Matahari "
Murid 4 : " Bintang-bintang "
Jawab Imam Ghazali " Semua jawaban itu benar Tetapi yang paling benar adalah MASA LALU.
Bagaimanapun kita, apapun kenderaan kita, tetap kita tidak akan dapat kembali ke masa yang lalu.
Oleh sebab itu kita harus menjaga hari ini, hari esok dan hari-hari yang akan datang dengan perbuatan yang sesuai dengan ajaran Agama".
Soalan Ketiga:
Imam Ghazali " Apa yang paling besar didunia ini ?"
Murid 1 : " Gunung "
Murid 2 : " Matahari "
Murid 3 : " Bumi "
Murid 4 : " Laut "
Jawab Imam Ghazali " Semua jawaban itu benar, tapi yang besar sekali adalah HAWA NAFSU (Surah Al A'raf: 179).
Maka itu kita harus hati-hati dengan nafsu kita, jangan sampai nafsu kita membawa ke neraka."
Soalan Keempat:
Imam Ghazali " Apa yang paling berat didunia"
Murid 1 : " Batu "
Murid 2 : " Besi "
Murid 3 : " Gajah "
Murid 4 : " Emas "
Jawab Imam Ghazali " Semua itu benar, tapi yang paling berat adalah MEMEGANG AMANAH (Surah Al-Azab : 72 ).
Tumbuh-tumbuhan, binatang, gunung, dan malaikat semua tidak mampu ketika Allah SWT meminta mereka menjadi khalifah (pemimpin) di dunia ini.
Tetapi manusia dengan sombongnya berebut-rebut menyanggupi permintaan Allah SWT sehingga banyak manusia masuk ke neraka kerana gagal memegang amanah."
Soalan Kelima
Imam Ghazali " Apa yang paling ringan di dunia ini?
Murid 1 :" Kapas"
Murid 2 :" Angin "
Murid 3 : " Debu "
Murid 4 : " Daun-daun"
Imam Ghazali "Semua jawaban kamu itu benar, tapi yang paling ringan sekali didunia ini adalah MENINGGALKAN SOLAT"
"Gara-gara pekerjaan kita atau urusan dunia, kita tinggalkan solat!"
Soalan Keenam
Imam Ghazali "Apa yang paling tajam sekali didunia ini? "
Murid - Murid dengan serentak menjawab :" Pedang "
Jawab Imam Ghazali " Itu benar, tapi yang paling tajam sekali didunia ini adalah LIDAH MANUSIA"
"Kerana melalui lidah, manusia dengan mudahnya menyakiti hati dan melukai perasaan saudaranya sendiri".
Five (5) lessons to make you think about the way we treat people.
1 - First Important Lesson - Cleaning Lady.
During my 2nd mth of college, our professor gave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious Student & had breezed through the questions until I read the last one:
"What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?"
Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several times. She was tall, dark-haired & in her 50s, but how would I know her name?
I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Just before class ended, one student Asked if the last question would count toward our quiz grade.
"Absolutely," said the professor. "In yr careers, u will meet many people. All are significant. They deserve yr attention & care, even if all u do is smile and say "hello."
I've never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her name was Dorothy.
** Me : Oh..oh... wat's the name of the Makciks that clean my office, frankly I don't know.. juz call her 'Cik'.... I am nice to her though. Mission 1 - to know her name (but shy to ask directly la... must snoop around & asked if any of my colleagues know & after that must start calling her by name "Cik XYZ"
2. - Second Important Lesson - Pickup in the Rain
One night, at11:30 p.m., an older African American woman was standing on the side of an Alabama highway trying to endure a lashing rainstorm. Her car had broken down & she desperately needed a ride. Soaking wet, she decided to flag down the next car. A young white man stopped to help her, generally unheard of in those conflict-filled 1960s. The man took her to safety, helped her get assistance, and put her into a taxicab. She seemed to be in a big hurry, but wrote down his address & thanked him. Seven days went by & a knock came on the man's door. To his surprise, a giant console color TV was delivered to his home. A special note was attached. It read:
"Thank you so much for assisting me on the highway the other night. The rain drenched not only my clothes, but lso my spirits. Then you came along. Because of u, I was able to make it to my dying husband's bedside just before he passed away... God bless u for helping me & unselfishly serving others."
Mrs. Nat King Cole.
**Me : Eh, Mrs Nat King Cole got no driver izzit ? Drive herself meh... ? Neway, will I do the same remains a question... mmpphh.. scenario : 11.30pm, black African woman, highway, heavy rain... - will I stop to help? My heart might want to, but I don't think my brain will let it... I ni penakot arr.. (scarry cat)"
3 - Third Important Lesson - Always remember those who serve.
In the days when an ice cream sundae cost much less, a 10-year-old boy entered a hotel coffee shop & sat at a table. A waitress put a glass of water in front of him. "How much is an ice cream sundae?" he asked. "Fifty cents," replied the waitress. The little boy pulled is hand out of his pocket & studied the coins in it. "Well, how much is a plain dish of ice cream?" he inquired. By now more people were waiting for a table & the waitress was growing impatient. "Thirty-five cents," she brusquely replied. The little boy again counted his coins. "I'll have the plain ice cream," he said.
The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on the table & walked away. The boy finished the ice cream, paid the cashier and left. When the waitress came back, she began to cry as she wiped down the table. There, placed neatly beside the empty dish, were two nickels & five pennies.
You see, he couldn't have the sundae, because he had to have enough left to leave her a tip.
**Me : This one I confess, I will NEVER EVER be like the boy - If I only have 50cents, I will definitely get that Damn Sundae !!... BUT !! If I am the waitress... oh my, I would pour myself a barrel of tears & feel guilty for the rest of my life - then the company will go bankrupt coz I'll start giving all children who walked in a FREE ice-cream sundae !!
4 - Fourth Important Lesson. - The obstacle in Our Path.
In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself & watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king's wealthiest merchants & courtiers came by & simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way.
Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, peasant laid down his burden & tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing & straining, he finally succeeded. After the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins & a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many of us never understand!
Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition.
**Me : Where is this Damn King when I needed him most ! ? I will do the same (but not such a huge rock lah... no strength to carry)... I do remove dangerous obstacles lying around, but so far never found any treasures beneath them !.. tapi takper arr, dapat pahaler (May Allah blessed me)
5 - Fifth Important Lesson - Giving When it Counts...
Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at a hospital, I got to know a little girl named Liz who was suffering from a rare & serious disease. Her only chance of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion from her 5-year old brother, who had miraculously survived the same disease & had developed the antibodies needed to combat the illness. The doctor explained the situation to her little brother, and asked the little boy if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister.
I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking a deep breath & saying, "Yes I'll do it if it will save her." As the transfusion progressed, he lay in bed next to his sister & smiled, as we all did, seeing the color returning to her cheek. Then his face grew pale & his smile faded.
He looked up at the doctor & asked with a trembling voice, "Will I start to die right away".
Being young, the little boy had misunderstood the doctor; he thought he was going to have to give his sister all of his blood in order to save her.
**Me : Ooo.... how sweet, I wanna hug & smooch this boy !! Only sweet innocent children will have such a pure heart like this.... (sob, sob... I'm all teary now..)
Most importantly..................
"Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like you do when nobody's watching."
**Me : Huh ? Wat say U ?... dance like you do when nobody's watching !!!!????
Oooo... u sure don't want to see this !!!... hahaha....
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Monday nite
He's had his fair-share of falls & bums... yep ! genuinely & actionly (tangkap attention.. hehehe), but nothing serious & never BLOODY !
Monday's dinner conversation brought us planning for a picnic at East Coast the next day - National Day Holiday. Ok, so we wanna hv BBQ for luch by the sea. Off to NTUC to buy some essentials needed wif hb, baby & maid - (didn't bring his stroller since he now struggled to get out when we shop).
My maid was holding baby & walked in-front of us... we stopped at the chic-wings section & I really don't know wat happen cos suddenly my maid shouted "Oh..Oh!" & I saw baby on the floor... then a loud cry ! My baby doesn't cry easily unless he's really in pain.. I rushed to take him from my maid & suddenly BLOOD was gushing out of his mouth (not gush lah but really flowing... lots). Ok ! Don't panic... !! I've experienced this many tyms wif my nieces & nephews.... ! Relax, think.. quick !!! (eventhough my leg abit lembek oredy)... My eyes caught the bakery a few steps away - got sink... I rushed there & tell the lady I wanted to use the sink.. Wash my baby's mouth & take a peep at the cut on his lips.. quiet bad.
Blood was dripping all over his shirt & mine too !! The lady passed me some tissues to wipe & I 'tekap' his mouth to stop the bleeding... no success ! Asked my maid to look for ice... she rushed I don't know where & come back with some ice.. luks a bit dirty & smell fishy (ya Rabb, dier amek dari tempat ikan ! camner nak kasi baby !!)... By then, the blood hv stopped for awhile & baby oso stop crying oredy (One brave baby I hv here...). So, we walked to the fish section & I asked the 'kakak' for clean ice... gave my baby to suck... wah ! aper lagi suker arr dier dapat ice !!.. hehehe.. pas tu hepi oredy - smiling, laughing & babbling again...
Once a while, the blood will start dripping again - lucky the 'kakak' gif me a packet of those crushed ice, so gif him to suck again & again. Then quickly, we get the things we wanted... yep, both baby & me in our bloody shirt !! Buy ice-cream so baby can lick this cold stuff. Reached home & eat ice-cream... lick-lick... blood stained the ice-cream oso lick ! then when I gif him his milk, oso the milk in the bottle become a bit bloody... I checked his cut again & it luks ok, check his teeth - ok !!
ALHAMDULLILLAH... nothing serious ! Shukur....
(this is wat me & hb really think happen : my maid let baby go (tak pimpin)... lots of ppl & this apek in front, like most Singaporean - kpo luking at wat's in other ppls basket & my baby being small passing below - he can't see & langgar arr - so gedebam lah budak ni.. my hb said he fell face down). I don't blame the apek cos memang budak2 kecik is not at our eye-level. My hb a bit geram wif my maid lah for not holding my baby.. but nvmind lah... accidents happen !.. Khair....)
Yg tak bestnyer - I can't take any pics of this 'eventful' happening cos my niece bring the camera to Desaru for her short 'Honeymoon'.
Tuesday - NATIONAL DAY !!
Niat di hati nak gi Picnic in the Morning... aperkan dayer ari pon Ujaannn.....
Neway, I pon want to see how baby is doing b4 carrying on wif our plan. His lips was a bit swollen but other than that he is his happy self ! Marinate the chicken wings, make sandwich, boil some corns, etc...
Wait..wait... almost oredy 1pm & hungry... told my maid to juz grill the chicken & decided to go after sholat Zohor lah.. easier ! Neway, not in a hurry cos we planned to stay longer by the beach (if Allah permit us wif a nice weather). Finally after sholat & eating lunch, we left ard 3pm. The weather is good & hope it won't rain again...
Baby was so excited to see the water but as normal won't touch the ground with his bare foot! Managed to coax him to go in the water wif hb.. but for awhile cos he was already cold & shiverring.
The rest of the day juz lazing around, playing, making sand-castles & running wif baby... me ride bike for awhile. Actually, hoping can get glimpses of the Fireworks from where we are.. so we stayed longer, 7pm... 8pm... still nothing ! so guessed cannot see from here lah.. baby oso tired, takmo tido the whole day... so we started packing & headed for home...
BUT ! we get to see the 3 helicopters flying passed with OUR flags twice.. on their way to the National Stadium & on their way back. The good thing is - on their way back, the helicopters circled around proudly a couple of times by the beach - to the cheers & claps of the beachgoers (esp the children).
Baby didn't want to eat his lunch & dinner today - must be the pain & uncomfortableness of his swelled lips - hope it will heal soon, InsyaAllah.
He's had his fair-share of falls & bums... yep ! genuinely & actionly (tangkap attention.. hehehe), but nothing serious & never BLOODY !
Monday's dinner conversation brought us planning for a picnic at East Coast the next day - National Day Holiday. Ok, so we wanna hv BBQ for luch by the sea. Off to NTUC to buy some essentials needed wif hb, baby & maid - (didn't bring his stroller since he now struggled to get out when we shop).
My maid was holding baby & walked in-front of us... we stopped at the chic-wings section & I really don't know wat happen cos suddenly my maid shouted "Oh..Oh!" & I saw baby on the floor... then a loud cry ! My baby doesn't cry easily unless he's really in pain.. I rushed to take him from my maid & suddenly BLOOD was gushing out of his mouth (not gush lah but really flowing... lots). Ok ! Don't panic... !! I've experienced this many tyms wif my nieces & nephews.... ! Relax, think.. quick !!! (eventhough my leg abit lembek oredy)... My eyes caught the bakery a few steps away - got sink... I rushed there & tell the lady I wanted to use the sink.. Wash my baby's mouth & take a peep at the cut on his lips.. quiet bad.
Blood was dripping all over his shirt & mine too !! The lady passed me some tissues to wipe & I 'tekap' his mouth to stop the bleeding... no success ! Asked my maid to look for ice... she rushed I don't know where & come back with some ice.. luks a bit dirty & smell fishy (ya Rabb, dier amek dari tempat ikan ! camner nak kasi baby !!)... By then, the blood hv stopped for awhile & baby oso stop crying oredy (One brave baby I hv here...). So, we walked to the fish section & I asked the 'kakak' for clean ice... gave my baby to suck... wah ! aper lagi suker arr dier dapat ice !!.. hehehe.. pas tu hepi oredy - smiling, laughing & babbling again...
Once a while, the blood will start dripping again - lucky the 'kakak' gif me a packet of those crushed ice, so gif him to suck again & again. Then quickly, we get the things we wanted... yep, both baby & me in our bloody shirt !! Buy ice-cream so baby can lick this cold stuff. Reached home & eat ice-cream... lick-lick... blood stained the ice-cream oso lick ! then when I gif him his milk, oso the milk in the bottle become a bit bloody... I checked his cut again & it luks ok, check his teeth - ok !!
ALHAMDULLILLAH... nothing serious ! Shukur....
(this is wat me & hb really think happen : my maid let baby go (tak pimpin)... lots of ppl & this apek in front, like most Singaporean - kpo luking at wat's in other ppls basket & my baby being small passing below - he can't see & langgar arr - so gedebam lah budak ni.. my hb said he fell face down). I don't blame the apek cos memang budak2 kecik is not at our eye-level. My hb a bit geram wif my maid lah for not holding my baby.. but nvmind lah... accidents happen !.. Khair....)
Yg tak bestnyer - I can't take any pics of this 'eventful' happening cos my niece bring the camera to Desaru for her short 'Honeymoon'.
Tuesday - NATIONAL DAY !!
Niat di hati nak gi Picnic in the Morning... aperkan dayer ari pon Ujaannn.....
Neway, I pon want to see how baby is doing b4 carrying on wif our plan. His lips was a bit swollen but other than that he is his happy self ! Marinate the chicken wings, make sandwich, boil some corns, etc...
Wait..wait... almost oredy 1pm & hungry... told my maid to juz grill the chicken & decided to go after sholat Zohor lah.. easier ! Neway, not in a hurry cos we planned to stay longer by the beach (if Allah permit us wif a nice weather). Finally after sholat & eating lunch, we left ard 3pm. The weather is good & hope it won't rain again...
Baby was so excited to see the water but as normal won't touch the ground with his bare foot! Managed to coax him to go in the water wif hb.. but for awhile cos he was already cold & shiverring.
The rest of the day juz lazing around, playing, making sand-castles & running wif baby... me ride bike for awhile. Actually, hoping can get glimpses of the Fireworks from where we are.. so we stayed longer, 7pm... 8pm... still nothing ! so guessed cannot see from here lah.. baby oso tired, takmo tido the whole day... so we started packing & headed for home...
BUT ! we get to see the 3 helicopters flying passed with OUR flags twice.. on their way to the National Stadium & on their way back. The good thing is - on their way back, the helicopters circled around proudly a couple of times by the beach - to the cheers & claps of the beachgoers (esp the children).
Baby didn't want to eat his lunch & dinner today - must be the pain & uncomfortableness of his swelled lips - hope it will heal soon, InsyaAllah.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Simply Adorable - SubhanAllah....
SubhanAllah, MasyaAllah, Alhamdullillah.... All praise to Allah s.w.t.
Can my baby be like this ? Is it possible ?...
Mmmphh... InsyaAllah
(Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE.. if they can sing Barney & Hi-5 songs why not recite the Surrahs ?),com_mtree/task,viewlink/link_id,359/Itemid,32/
Also view this ;
(cool Ameen)
*** Pls also go the HOME page & see other videos..
You can also watch the Cartoon Movies;
"Muhammad, the last prophet" & others..
On another note, I find this amusing... read on.
Points to Ponder
** Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.
* One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor.....
** If man evolved from monkeys and apes, why do we still have monkeys and apes ?
* The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live.
** I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, "Where's the self-help section ?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
* If a deaf person swears, does his mother wash his hands with soap ?
** If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation ?
* Is there another word for synonym ?
** What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant ?
* Would a fly without wings be called a walk ?
** If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless or naked ?
* Can vegetarians eat animal crackers ?
** If the police arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent ?
* One nice thing about egotists:They don`t talk about other people.
** Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery ?
* If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest drown too ?
** If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done ?
* Whose cruel idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have "S" in it ?
** Why are hemorrhoids called "hemorrhoids" instead of "ASSteroids" ?
* Why is it called tourist season if we can't shoot at them ?
** Why is there an expiration date on sour cream ?
* If you spin an oriental man in a circle three times does he become disoriented ?
** Can an atheist get insurance against acts of God ?
Can my baby be like this ? Is it possible ?...
Mmmphh... InsyaAllah
(Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE.. if they can sing Barney & Hi-5 songs why not recite the Surrahs ?),com_mtree/task,viewlink/link_id,359/Itemid,32/
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(cool Ameen)
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On another note, I find this amusing... read on.
Points to Ponder
** Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.
* One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor.....
** If man evolved from monkeys and apes, why do we still have monkeys and apes ?
* The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live.
** I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, "Where's the self-help section ?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
* If a deaf person swears, does his mother wash his hands with soap ?
** If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation ?
* Is there another word for synonym ?
** What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant ?
* Would a fly without wings be called a walk ?
** If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless or naked ?
* Can vegetarians eat animal crackers ?
** If the police arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent ?
* One nice thing about egotists:They don`t talk about other people.
** Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery ?
* If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest drown too ?
** If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done ?
* Whose cruel idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have "S" in it ?
** Why are hemorrhoids called "hemorrhoids" instead of "ASSteroids" ?
* Why is it called tourist season if we can't shoot at them ?
** Why is there an expiration date on sour cream ?
* If you spin an oriental man in a circle three times does he become disoriented ?
** Can an atheist get insurance against acts of God ?
Thursday, August 03, 2006
OK - Let me join the crowd & say ...
Voting is closed !!
To those whom had voted, I say ...
...."THANKS TO YOU" !!!
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My Entries :
IMAGE # 1416
IMAGE # 1418
Voting is closed !!
To those whom had voted, I say ...
...."THANKS TO YOU" !!!
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My Entries :
IMAGE # 1416

IMAGE # 1418

don't do windows because ... I love birds and don't want one to run into a clean window and get hurt.

I don't wax floors because ... I am terrified a guest will slip and get hurt then I'll feel terrible( plus they may sue me.)

I don't mind the dust bunnies because ... They are very good company, I have named most of them, and they agree with everything I say.

I don't pull weeds in the garden because .. I don't want to get in God's way, HE is an excellent designer!

I don't do gourmet mealswhen I entertain because ... I don't want my guests to stress out over what to make when they invite me over for dinner.
I don't stress much on anything because ... "A Type" personalities die young and I want to stick around and become a wrinkled up crusty ol' woman!!!!
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